Research Topic

I chose Indian cuisine and culture for my research topic, especially about curry. I had several topics in my thought and finally chose this since I love curry and I have always wondered about the variety of curry. I saw many curry, in many different ways, in many countries. However, it is general to think that curry is from India so I chose Indian cuisine and curry. I will still have to narrow down the culture part, wether I will focus on just the curry culture or other Indian cultures too.

So far I found many sources related to my topic. I found difference between southern and northen cuisines of India and also what spices that goes in the curry that defines the taste. Also interesting argument that wether curry in from India or from England. And curry from different countries and their styles. I tried many different styles of curry so I can include my own experience when introducing the difference. I found many sources but most of them are from the internet. I will have to work on finding more hard copied books.

My research is going well so far, at least I chose the topic and working on finding more sources. I think I can make things more organised as I go on.

One thought on “Research Topic

  1. This is a really cool idea of using a specific type of food in your case curry to explore a culture. I think the topic is really interesting and am excited to see what you will discover about India and curry.

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