Gender in Cooking (Annotated Bibliography)

This is a link to my Annotated Bibliography, one that is focused on the gender bias behind cooking. I use articles, newspaper, personal statements, and cookbooks as my evidence for my research on this topic. This topic not only matters to me, but is important for society to see how we not only place people into these gendered space, we reproduce these ideas consistently to the point that when people contest them they have the potential to excluded from society. The cooking world is dominated by men and they have been using their power to oppress women through sexist ideas present in cookbooks (women always found in the kitchen), male based cookbooks are loaded with stereotypes, the majority of publishers today are men, and men are some of the sole authors of history. Cooking is something that should not be based gender, food is food and as long as its good nothing else should matter.


One thought on “Gender in Cooking (Annotated Bibliography)

  1. Davion, this was a really interesting read, thank you!
    I enjoyed reading about the post war effects on gender roles in the kitchen.

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