Online Wrap-Up: Part 2

The rhetoric of food is more than just words or language. Its about communicating a variety of ideas. Each of these pieces, whether it be recipes, podcasts, Tasty videos, annotated bibliographies, or reviews, all have a reason for existing. It’s because the author wanted to share those ideas that they had. And there’s always a reason for why the author wants to share these things. That’s why we have to look beyond just what is written and look at the context, the history of both the author and the time they lived in, as well as the audience he wants to speak to. By looking at these things, we can see why a piece of work is so successful (or not). That’s why it’s important for us to be able to communicate with each other so we can share in these experiences.

For some people, they write because they want to show the disparity between certain groups of people. For me, I found a photo essay that demonstrated how different school lunches can be across the world. For other people, they may want to share something that their mother cooked since it brings back so many wonderful memories for them. Sometimes, these recipes have been passed down for an even longer time. All of these things tell us about each other as people, and with the written word, these experiences can last for a very long time.

One thought on “Online Wrap-Up: Part 2

  1. Rhetoric of food is like the common language around the world. I agree that as technologies develop, rhetoric of food will grow with it because food is essential for every people and it is something which wants to be shared.

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