Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

Wild woman: She spoke up and spoke her mind freely. She expressed herself however she wanted, only to get labelled as a wild woman.  

Wild man: The wild man raised his voice, sharpened his tone, and flailed his arms in the heat of the argument. 

Wild animal: Among the depths of the ocean are where the wildest animals live.

Wild beast: The wild beast scoured the forest in order find prey to satisfy his large appetite. 

Wild thing: There is an inner child, free-spirited wild thing in all of us. 

elina chen

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One Response to Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

  1. lmr3855

    I like how you used “wild woman” in this sentence because it is how it typically goes in today’s society. Only because we are being open about our opinions and beliefs doesn’t mean we are wild but are not afraid to speak up and be who we truly are. I think it is actually sad how most times women have to be careful with how they present themselves because they could easily be misinterpreted, and like in your example, be considered a “wild woman” with a negative connotation.
    I feel like for most of the instances we have mentioned wild animals and wild beasts in class we tend to go for those living in forest-like environments. I like how you brought up the fact that the wildest animals are probably hiding in the sea since they have so much more space and different environments than the ones we have on land. Personally, oceans are terrifying for the reason that we literally have no idea what might be down there.

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