Blog Post #8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

Wild Woman: 

  • In high school, she was very mellow and shy, but now, wow she is a wild woman!

Wild Man:

  • Engulfed with rage, the wild man threw the glass against the wall shattering it into many pieces. 

Wild Animal:

  • The wild animal ran straight across our campsite as if it were retreating up into the mountains behind us. 

Wild Beast:

  • The wild beast trampled through the city, causing destruction and devastation to anything and anyone he came across.

Wild Thing:

  • The little boy had a wild thing about him- he hated desserts!

~Audrey Wines


Filed under Welcome

2 Responses to Blog Post #8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

  1. tst598

    Hi! One thing I find really interesting about your response is the difference in the implied meaning of “wild woman” and “wild man”. In your first sentence, the implication is that not being calm or shy anymore is what makes the woman “wild” whereas in the second sentence “wildness” is directly associated with anger and violence. I think this speaks pretty accurately to what the mainstream expectations have been for each gender. Women in patriarchal societies are expected to be timid and quiet and submissive, and are shamed, punished, and oppressed in order to fit this restrictive mold. It makes sense that a woman that no longer fits this mold would be labeled “wild” by others who still hold these outdated views of gender roles. Great job!

  2. kia326

    I like your various interpretations of the meaning of “wild” for different contexts. The structure of all your sentences if very elegant and the advanced vocabulary really elevates your writing to have the punch it deserves to have. I also love how you switched up the tone at the end by ending this post with a light-hearted sentence.

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