Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

-wild woman: The wild woman used to go out every night to party and get drunk. After getting pregnant, however, she had to change her ways to be a better mother to her child.

-wild man: Thousands of years ago, wild men used to live in caves and wear animal skin for warmth.

-wild animal: The wild animal growled before disappearing into the woods to find its prey.

-wild beast: John has a repeating nightmare where wild beasts are chasing after him, but he is unable to run fast enough and ends up frantically waking up after getting devoured in his dream.

-wild thing: The wildest thing about visiting my home country Belarus, was that public bathrooms were not free and you could not use the bathroom without paying someone first.

Katsiaryna Aliashkevich

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