In the opening of her essay, Gloria Anzaldúa uses the phrase “taming a wild tongue” in a very literal context of her being at the dentist and being told to keep her tongue under control. However, throughout the rest of her essay, she explains that being an immigrant in that era has affected her ability to speak Spanish freely and openly. Therefore, in this context, the “wild tongue” is referred to as the foreign language of immigrants that isn’t the primary language of the country they immigrated to. In addition, to “tame it” mean to silence the tongue, to make it speak the conventional language of the nation, to make it forget the native culture, and to make it conform to society’s standards. By forcing immigrants to speak only English, the United States is essentially denying them their right to freedom of speech. Another language should not be considered so wild and untamed that it needs to be saddled, but rather celebrated for its uniqueness. It is extremely important to encourage native speakers to practice their language so they can teach it to their children and prevent the language from becoming completely extinct, like many already have in the past.
Katsiaryna Aliashkevich