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Blog Post 3 – Katie Ledecky Takes the Gold

When it comes to sports, there’s only one sports event that I avidly watch every four years when it comes around: the Summer Olympics. While the gymnastics, beach volleyball, and track events are fun to watch, my favorite events are the swimming events, specifically Katie Ledecky in her freestyle distance events. This Youtube clip is from the 2016 Rio Olympics for the Women’s 800m freestyle. She was the reigning gold medalist from the 2012 Olympics, and in this race, she proved to the world that she dominates in distance freestyle swimming. This sports branch in the freestyle distance events is defined by swimmers with endurance and good form. This sport is geared towards people during the summer when swimming is more accessible due to good weather conditions. The rules of this sport are straightforward, having competitors stay in their lane and complete the required 800m, as well as making legal flip turns. Within the video that I have chosen, I think there is more interplay regarding “playing sports” instead of “playing gender.” This is because, in the Olympics, the events are divided by gender. Katie Ledecky also beats the world record previously held by herself. Therefore, the fact that she broke her world record and had such a considerable lead throughout the entire race, leaving the rest of the swimmers competing for silver and bronze, is indeed “wild” as it shows the domination of one person in this freestyle event.

Furthermore, at the 2016 Rio Olympics, Katie Ledecky also won the gold medal for the 200m and 400m freestyle events, thereby sweeping gold for all three distance freestyle events, which a woman had not accomplished since 1968. Additionally, Katie Ledecky would later successfully campaign to add the 1500m freestyle to the Olympics. This had been an event for men’s swimmers since 1904 and was only just added to the Olympic roster for women in 2021. Therefore, it is wild to think that women were barred from this race for such a long time.

-Juliette Chartier


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Blog Post 3: Play it Good, Play it Wild: Sports and Gender

For this sports study, I decided to look at the game of men’s ice hockey, which is defined as a game played on ice between two teams who skate around to score the puck into the opposing team’s goal. The players are all men, and there are typically 6 players competing against each other on the ice at a time. There are two goalies, one per each team, defending their goal from the opposing team, and the other five are trying to both defend their goal and score into the other team’s goal. As this sport is very popular in the northern hemisphere where it is colder, the typical audience is those from colder climates and are majority those aged between 18 and 34, and the majority of ice hockey fans are white. However, the sport is still played in warmer climates, although the sport must be played indoors at an ice rink since the warmer climates do not have frozen ponds or outdoor ice rinks throughout the year, making the ice hockey fan base much smaller than other sports in the United States. However, the sport is extremely popular in Canada where the average temperatures throughout the year are much colder, as well as it being the sport’s country of origin. The object of the game is to hit a small puck across the ice before then hitting it into a goal with a hockey stick, and the players may use physical force to win the puck from their opponent, making the game very violent in nature and geared more towards the male population. My personal view of the interplay between sports and gender is that the general population regards male sports to be more “masculine” and, in consequence, more interesting and popular than female sports because of stereotypes that men are stronger and more athletic than women, which especially can be seen in men’s ice hockey due to its violent nature, associated with masculinity. “Wildness” can be easily seen in this sport when considering the speed, physical blows between the players, and the frequent fights that break out between the teams. To me, it is wild that the violent aspects of the sport are ingrained within the rules of regulation for the game.

Anna Ranslem


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Blog Post 3: Play It Good, Play It Wild: Sports and Gender- Women’s Rugby

Rugby is known to be a relatively rough, fast-paced, and aggressive sport. In the clip I’ve linked below, there are multiple examples of the tackles and aggressive plays that are incredibly common in the sport. The clip starts with a scrum between the USA and Spain Women’s Rugby teams at the World Cup. Another key characteristic of rugby is that (most) tackles, hits, and falls do not slow or pause the game at all. People are expected to get hit but the rest of the teams always keep going to achieve the collective goal.  Women’s rugby, on paper, follows the same rules as men’s rugby. However, the sport doesn’t exist in a vacuum, meaning that the rampant sexism in our society often shapes the way women who play rugby are treated differently. Female rugby players may be stereotyped as more masculine or defeminized. While masculinity is not inherently bad, the issue here is that the masculinization of these women is an assumption that other people make without their say. While rugby isn’t nearly as popular in the USA as it is in other places like England, New Zealand, and South Africa, women’s rugby is one of the fastest-growing team sports in the world. I definitely think that is partly because of how the sport is an avenue for women to freely express aggression. There are not a lot of safe spaces where women openly expressing aggression, especially physical aggression, is widely accepted or rewarded. In this case, it seems like “playing the sport” is an opportunity for some folks to temporarily take a break from the pressures of “playing gender”. All people of all genders can feel and express aggression but traditional gender roles dictate that we are not all allowed to do so in the same ways. With the relatively recent inclusion of women in professional sports, we may be slowly pushing back against the element of sexism that insists it is not “natural” for women to be physically strong and actively participate in rough or aggressive activities. 

Women’s Rugby clip: (Links to an external site.) 

– Tsion Teffera

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Wild Songs: Crazy Story

I personally am into two different genres of music: rap and country. This specific wild song is a rap song though. The song is titled “Crazy Story” by King Von. King Von, former name Dayvon Daquon Bennet, is a rapper from Chicago, Illinois. He is affiliated with the gang O Block based out of Chicago. He was born and raised in the Chicago “hood,” yet he died in Atlanta, Georgia in a shootout when he was only 26 years old. This song was released only 2 years before King Von was shot and killed. 

This song is a true story about one of his friends who was attempting to rob someone and ended up shooting him. King Von tells the story from his friend’s point of view. The wildest part about the song is that it is actually true and goes into precise detail. He lays out the plan in his lyrics that this girl is going to meet up with the victim and lure him to the spot where the robbery is going to take place. The audience can tell he is rich because Von says that “he got bricks plus his neck is icy and it match his wrist.” This means he has a lot of money and a lot of diamond jewelry. She goes into his car to distract him, and the robber “sneak up, crouching like a tiger.” He then rose to the window, and “hit one in his arm, hit one in his thigh.” This means he shot both his arm and leg. This story is truly wild because of the precise detail of the plan and the actual crime.

-Major Wheless


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Abby Wambach’s Wild Header

Posted by FIFA’s official Youtube account, the highlight reel of soccer player Abby Wambach, a past striker of the US Women’s National Team, demonstrates the “wildness” of women’s soccer and the dynamic of the game. In the video, Wambach can be seen scoring goals during the Women’s World Cup with not only her feet, but also her head. The pure athleticism needed to maneuver and jump higher than a crowd of defenders while making contact with a ball shot at 70 mph reflects the “vicious” competitiveness women’s soccer players have.

The sport itself is played across both genders and has the same set of rules- 2 teams of 11 are challenged to score against their opposition while also defending their goal and being aware of penalties/fouls. In the Women’s World Cup, a globally televised soccer tournament, the players consist of women from 32 countries, “communicating” their excellence at the sport through athleticism and teamwork. Although the crowd of soccer fans spectating, whether in the stadium or watching from a streaming device, consists of all generations and genders, a target audience of women’s soccer is the population of young girls watching who play or would like to play the sport. Even though the rules of the game are identical across genders, women who play soccer are commonly perceived as less capable, skilled, and athletic compared to their male counterparts. Statistics-wise, lesser advertisement, endorsements, and public interest makes it difficult for this perception of women’s soccer to be countered. Accordingly, female professional soccer players take on the responsibility of showcasing their talents and encouraging young girls to do the same. Playing soccer up until the age of 16, I myself idolized players like Abby Wambach and would sit in awe while watching the USWNT play. After carefully studying the playing styles and fitness of female players, I believe the downplay of women’s soccer is unjust. The physicality and tricks of the sport contribute to the standard definition of “wildness”, whereas the aspect of women showing elevated athleticism is “wild” by breaking expectations.

Vivian Nguyen

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Blog Post 4: What is Your “Wild(est)” Song?

A “wild” song I decided to comment about is called “Young, Wild and Free” by Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg, and features Bruno Mars. This song is considered to be Pop-rap and was released in 2011. The song was successful and was in the top ten in several categories, including being number 7 on the Billboard Hot 100. To add, it was nominated in the Grammy awards in 2013 and received most performed song award in Pop Music Awards. The single also became popular in France, Switzerland, Australia, and many more. The song talks about drinking, smoking, and partying.

One lyric that stands out goes as:

“We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees

so what we go out

that’s how it’s supposed to be

living young, wild, and free.”

Typically, “wild” is described as something relating to the wilderness, however, they use “wild” as a means of freedom. Drinking, smoking, and partying is viewed as irresponsible and is illegal at the age of 17. However, I believe they use “wild” as going against society and its rules and to be “free”. Being free means to enjoy yourself and not worrying about the repercussions of your actions. The song describes these actions as “wild” because society views it as such, but they see it as having fun. The song is about being young and “having fun” by partying. It is living out your “teenage years” by having fun because that’s the way it “should” be.

On a different note, I remember hearing this song when it got popular and loving it. I didn’t know what the song was about, but it made me feel good and alive. Hearing it now gives me a “nostalgic feeling” of being younger and being free, even though I wasn’t partying or doing anything.  Now listening to it at my age, I can understand the meaning behind it. I can relate to feeling “wild” and crazy after having fun and being stress-free.

The video:

-Jaileen Gutierrez


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Blog Post 3: Play it Good, Play it Wild: Sports and Gender

The specific sports branch I am going to focus on is American Football. Despite what some may think, there are leagues for both men and women. The goal of football is to score the most points through field goals or touchdowns of the oval-shaped ball called “football.” There are eleven players per side that have different positions, and depending on that, they work together to ultimately win the game. While both genders play this sport, there are some crucial differences. Women play on a field that is half the size of the typical men’s football field, they use a smaller ball due to the stereotype that women have smaller hands than men, and women are dressed more provocative and showy compared to men. While both men and women are playing the same sport, men’s football has gained more fan attention and awareness. Men’s football is mainly focused on the skill, speed, and overall athlete abilities while women’s football leagues tend to show off more of the “sexy” side. 

Through both of these videos, it is obvious both men and women show intensity and the want to win, but there are many different gender dynamics happening within both leagues. Men tend to be more aggressive and violent compared to women, celebrations after touchdowns are different, and men tend to show more speed and skill compared to women teams. Also, it is understood by the pure number ratio of fans coming to games that men’s football is more popular and tend to “sell out” more compared to women’s games where seats are often empty. I believe football is not considered wild, but the type of player, the way they play, and the way they can interact and make fans in the stands react can make a football game seem wild regardless of gender. Both the links to female football highlights and male football highlights are listed below:

~Audrey Wines


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Blog Post 3: Play It Good, Play It Wild: Sports and Gender

Gymnastics is a sport that displays strong coordination, physical agility, and flexibility of the people involved. This modern sport is divided between men and women, requiring them to compete with varying exercises. For women, gymnastics typically involves the floor, the vaulting horse, the balance beam, and uneven bars. For men, gymnastics typically involves the floor, rings, pommel horse, horizontal bars, and parallel bars. The players in this sport are the gymnasts, competing either on the individual level or in groups of teams. The communicators in this sport are the personal coaches that choreograph the gymnasts’ routines, select music for their floor exercises, as well as observe and spot the athletes as they preform their routines on the different apparatuses.

The internal gender dynamics of gymnastics are first seen within the audience. Women’s gymnastics is much more popular than men’s because there is more than twice as much people watching it. As a result, there is also a much higher level of participation in women’s gymnastics compared to men’s, making this sport predominately female. There aren’t many rules in gymnastics as there are in other sports. If the gymnast messes up their routine, falls, or looses balance, they get a certain amount of points deducted. This could eliminate them from moving onto the next level in the competition. My personal views on the interplay of sports and gender is that I love how the gymnastics industry is still mainly run by powerful and strong women. When most popular sports are male-dominated, it’s nice to see some female representation thats lets us have “our own thing” to be proud of, like Simone Biles winning a total of 32 Olympic and World Championship medals. Wildness in this sport means small female gymnasts are defying the laws of gravity by flying up so high in the air and doing multiple flips simultaneously. 

Katsiaryna Aliashkevich


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Blog Post 3: Play It Good, Play It Wild: Sports and Gender- Women’s Rugby

Rugby is a team, contact sport that started in England and is played by both men and women. Many people in America see it akin to American football given the tackling and more contact oriented nature of the sport, however, it is a completely separate entity. Oftentimes, heavy contact sports are mostly played by men. For example, American football and the NFL is a huge organization whose players are composed of men. This is why, as someone who has grown up watching American football, it is quite impressive to see women playing rugby with the same intensity and even more strength than an American football player. In the matches, you can see the agility, speed, and power in the movements and tackles and the true brutal nature of the sport. There is a lot less protective gear than one would expect given the style. The audience is most likely of both genders as with any major sport, but has more male spectators. Women’s rugby like many women’s sports is often underappreciated and underlooked. There is less funding and less turnout despite a team’s success. The violence and power in the sport display unconventional gender dynamics as women are traditionally expected to be calmer and more graceful. I believe that one’s gender should not limit or affect the sports or the behavior they choose to engage in. Conventional behaviors that fit gender norms can be quite restrictive and can possibly hinder the potential of an individual. It was very cool to watch various clips of women’s rugby and see these traditional expectations be demolished. The concept of wild is depicted in this sport simply due to the sheer violence with the tackles and the amazing athleticism of each woman on the team.


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Blog Post 3: Play It Good, Play It Wild: Sports and Gender

Basketball is a team sport composed of two teams, with 5 players each. It is played in a court and the goal is to defend your hoop while trying to shoot in the opponent’s hoop. These rules apply to both women’s basketball and men’s basketball. However, in women’s basketball, there are some differences. For example, the size of the women’s basketball is one inch smaller than the men’s basketball. The reason for this is because women’s hands are generally smaller than men and having a smaller ball is easier. Another difference is that the women’s three-point line is closer to the basket than men’s. In most games, men tend to score more and are typically taller, so the three-point line is farther. Both women’s basketball and men’s basketball have been around for the same time. However, men’s basketball, or specially, the NBA, has grown to become more popular.

In both of these videos, we can see the intensity between the teams. I decided to show both men’s and women’s basketball to show the difference. Although the sport is played the same in both genders, they have different gender dynamics. Men’s basketball is more popular and is considered to be better than women’s. To add, players are more violent and creative. Watching the two games, the audience can tell the difference in skill and technique. Men are able to dunk more than women and typically score more. They also learn more ball skills and tricks and display it during games. Violent outburst does happen in women’s basketball but is more common in men’s. They can get aggressive and serious during a game and show more intensity. Both genders are able to play basketball, but men’s basketball acquires more audience and fame. Typically, basketball isn’t seemed as a “wild” sport, but men’s basketball is more aggressive and intense and can sometimes be viewed as such.

Jaileen Gutierrez

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