Blog Post 1: What is “Wild?”

The world wild can be used as a noun or more commonly as an adjective. In the form of an adjective, the definitions given to the word wild have positive and negative connotations. For example, generally, wild can be used to describe something that is unusually extreme, crazy, violent, or uncontrolled. However, in slang, it can be used to describe something that is special or cool. The word essentially takes on a different meaning depending on the context. Additionally, there is a range between referring to something as extreme and then violent. Describing hair and clothes as wild is much different from saying someone went wild as a reaction. Given these varying definitions, the broad scope of such a common word becomes apparent as does the important role of context. 

Personally, the world wild to me encompasses many different things. As someone who spends a lot of time with houseplants and nature, the first definition that comes to mind pertains to wildlife or animals/plants that grow in natural characteristics. Whenever I think of the word wild, I envision a field of wildflowers or a large area of plants growing how they please. In my mother tongue, Telugu, this is the only definition for wild. This made me realize how English adjectives often have such different variations when it comes to definitions. It is not a surprise that some things get lost in translation. If I do use the word in English, I often use the word wild to mean crazy or unexpected. It’s a word that holds depth in just four letters.


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2 Responses to Blog Post 1: What is “Wild?”

  1. elina

    Your explanation of “wild” was very detailed, and I liked that you provided easily digestible examples of the word depending on the context. I also liked the perspective you gave of “wild” in Telugu. I have friends who speak Telugu as well, and it is always interesting to hear about how language is interpreted differently across languages!

  2. ack2234

    I liked how you also included the slang definitions of “wild”. I wonder if the slang usages of the word reflect in any way on the cultures and beliefs of the people who use them most. Younger generations seem to be the ones that most often use “wild” as special or cool. This could indicate a greater acceptance of “wild” things among this generation compared to others.

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