Wild Songs: Crazy Story

I personally am into two different genres of music: rap and country. This specific wild song is a rap song though. The song is titled “Crazy Story” by King Von. King Von, former name Dayvon Daquon Bennet, is a rapper from Chicago, Illinois. He is affiliated with the gang O Block based out of Chicago. He was born and raised in the Chicago “hood,” yet he died in Atlanta, Georgia in a shootout when he was only 26 years old. This song was released only 2 years before King Von was shot and killed. 

This song is a true story about one of his friends who was attempting to rob someone and ended up shooting him. King Von tells the story from his friend’s point of view. The wildest part about the song is that it is actually true and goes into precise detail. He lays out the plan in his lyrics that this girl is going to meet up with the victim and lure him to the spot where the robbery is going to take place. The audience can tell he is rich because Von says that “he got bricks plus his neck is icy and it match his wrist.” This means he has a lot of money and a lot of diamond jewelry. She goes into his car to distract him, and the robber “sneak up, crouching like a tiger.” He then rose to the window, and “hit one in his arm, hit one in his thigh.” This means he shot both his arm and leg. This story is truly wild because of the precise detail of the plan and the actual crime.

-Major Wheless


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3 Responses to Wild Songs: Crazy Story

  1. ts36942

    It’s an interesting song to say the least! I’ve never heard of this rapper but it seems kind of strange that someone would write a song about their friend shooting and robbing someone. It does sound wild when I put it like that! I don’t usually listen to rap and the song didn’t change my mind but I looked up the lyrics and they do tell a wild story!

  2. Jaileen Gutierrez

    Without knowing the background of the song or the story, the song isn’t actually “wild” but a regular rap song. However, after knowing that its a true story about his friend it does make it wild! Most rap songs do have some truth behind it but what makes this song wild is the exact description. He raps the whole scenario and plan which is so crazy. Good choice!

  3. vtn477

    I also find the fact that these events have happened in real life to be wild. The lyrics “crouching like a tiger” could also align with the more nature-oriented definition of the word “wild” because it exposes the animalistic nature of someone going to extremes to rob and kill another person. I sometimes overlook the truth and meaning behind rap sons, especially because the words are rapped quickly, so I’m glad you touched on the wildness of this song/genre. Good Job!

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