Blog Post 4: What is Your “Wild-est” Song?

One song I particularly believe to be categorized as wild is a popular hip-hop/rap song called “Young, Wild, & Free” by Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa. Artist Bruno Mars is also featured in the song. Originally released on October 11, 2011, this song broke records around the world due to its catchy chorus and ability to relate to many teenagers at the time. This song is written from the perspective of teenagers wanting to enjoy their lives free from rules and free to be whoever they want to be. The music video, which is linked below, is set in a high school where rules are broken and trips to the principle’s office were quite frequent. Because of society’s refusal to except all types of people at the time of the song’s release, being anything but “normal” and stereotypical was considered out of control and wild. Because this song hints at teenager’s wanting to be rebellious and live life in a less construct way, it became a universal anthem that paved a way of thinking that sometimes rules are meant to be broken. I believe wild can have many definitions ranging from animalistic wildness or society wildness. For this song in particular, I think having teenagers realize that there is not one specific mold to how a person should live their lives opened up doors for people to truly explore and become who they want. This all happened so quickly that society couldn’t keep up with the change, therefore categorizing their break from the “norm” as wild and unpredictable. 

This is the link to the song’s music video: (Links to an external site.) 

~Audrey Wines


Filed under Welcome

4 Responses to Blog Post 4: What is Your “Wild-est” Song?

  1. jjc4688

    I really liked the way you discussed how the song was received by the public, mainly teenagers. I definitely agree that this song was particularly pertinent to younger peoples due to its lyrics surrounding breaking the rules and having fun. I also really liked the way that you tied in the stereotypes surrounding teenagers just wanting to have fun and mentioning another layer of the “wild” elements in this song. Really interesting way of thinking about it!

  2. kia326

    I also love this song and think its a perfect example of showing how wildness is perceived by the younger generations. To be “Young, Wild, and Free” to them means to break societal standards and norms and to not be afraid to have fun. Overall I think your explanation perfectly encapsulates the message of the song.

  3. lmr3855

    I really like this song and thinking about it, it does represent the word wild. The teenagers in the music video seem to be doing reckless things and breaking the rules but in reality they aren’t harming anyone and just want to enjoy their life. I love how you stated that teenagers have to realize there isn’t a specific mold to how we should live our lives and at the end of the day we should focus on being happy and free. I feel it is common, even for me, to feel stressed over the way I’m living because I’m not sure if it is the correct way but knowing I could do anything and not have to be a certain way brings peace. Like you said, we should forget that and just enjoy our youth.

  4. jjg4922

    I also decided to rhetorically analyze this song! I love how you explained the meaning and message of the song. I agree that the song is in a teenagers perspective and one that many can relate too. During this age, there can be a lot of stress on being “normal” and if anything is done on the contrary you are viewed as bad. The song depicts this ideology on how teenager really just want to be a teenager and have fun.
    -Jaileen Gutierrez

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