Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

She truly was a wild woman, as she pursued her goal of completing a marathon whilst having two very demanding jobs.

He was a wild man for attempting to land the plane with his faulty vision.

Wild animals are not to be fed, as it can cause them to become dependent on humans for food.

The wild beast roared and clawed away at the ground.

The juxtaposition of the wealthy family’s opulent mansion coupled with the nearby slum was truly a wild thing to see.

-Avinash K


Filed under Welcome

3 Responses to Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

  1. kcl928

    I like how both the positive and negative aspects of wild are showcased in the descriptions of a wild man and a wild woman. Both could be substituted for other words, but wild works very well in both scenarios.

  2. kia326

    I love your different depictions of the word “wild” used in various contexts. The last sentence stands out to me most because the advanced vocabulary and mention of juxtaposition truly takes it to another level of descriptive imagery.

  3. ham2642

    I liked how in this case the word “wild” was used in a multitude of ways, to show the versatility of the word. In some cases wild is seen as a word used to describe something extraordinary, something that isn’t normal, which can be see in a positive or negative way. Furthermore the word wild is also seen being used in the more common definition as describing the unknown.

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