Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

There was a wild woman lurking in the shadows with dark curly brown hair and eyes of a raven.

The wild man was running around naked, screaming that he had lost his pet monkey.

The wild animal had escaped from its cage and was now running around on the loose.

Everyone saw the lion as a wild beast because it had sharp teeth and claws and kept growling at anything and anyone it saw.

My closet was a mess of disorganized clothes and hangers, and everyone who saw it called it a wild thing.

– Kristine Chin

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One Response to Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

  1. tst598

    Hi, I think it is interesting that so many of your sentences, even the ones about humans, have something to do with animals. You did a good job portraying how “wild” is very often assumed to be more animalistic and separate from humanity.

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