Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

She truly was a wild woman, as she pursued her goal of completing a marathon whilst having two very demanding jobs.

He was a wild man for attempting to land the plane with his faulty vision.

Wild animals are not to be fed, as it can cause them to become dependent on humans for food.

The wild beast roared and clawed away at the ground.

The juxtaposition of the wealthy family’s opulent mansion coupled with the nearby slum was truly a wild thing to see.

-Avinash K


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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

  1. “There was a wild woman dancing in the street last night.”
  2. “Tom used to live in the city like the rest of us but one day he just abandoned this way of life and left town. I heard that now he is a wild man who lives by himself in the woods.”
  3. “Many believe that all wild animals should be living in their natural habitats, free of zoos, man-made animal sanctuaries, or any human interference.”
  4. “A wild beast came out of nowhere and attacked our tent in the woods! It was so scary.”
  5. “Did you see the caption of Kanye’s last Instagram post? What a wild thing to say!”
– Tsion Teffera


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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

There was a wild woman lurking in the shadows with dark curly brown hair and eyes of a raven.

The wild man was running around naked, screaming that he had lost his pet monkey.

The wild animal had escaped from its cage and was now running around on the loose.

Everyone saw the lion as a wild beast because it had sharp teeth and claws and kept growling at anything and anyone it saw.

My closet was a mess of disorganized clothes and hangers, and everyone who saw it called it a wild thing.

– Kristine Chin

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Blog Post #8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

Wild Woman: 

  • In high school, she was very mellow and shy, but now, wow she is a wild woman!

Wild Man:

  • Engulfed with rage, the wild man threw the glass against the wall shattering it into many pieces. 

Wild Animal:

  • The wild animal ran straight across our campsite as if it were retreating up into the mountains behind us. 

Wild Beast:

  • The wild beast trampled through the city, causing destruction and devastation to anything and anyone he came across.

Wild Thing:

  • The little boy had a wild thing about him- he hated desserts!

~Audrey Wines


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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

I remember I had this friend during college who would always party. She was really one wild woman.

His grieve and loss of his wife led him to become a drunk and have hallucinations. He was taken to a psychiatrist, and we never saw that wild man again.

As I was walking through the forest, I saw something with white fur and long ears. It must have been a wild animal!

After the murder of his sister, he was filled with hatred. That led him to become a wild beast, hungry for revenge.

My dog is always jumping around and can never sit still. He sure is a wild thing!

-Jaileen Gutierrez


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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

Wild woman: She spoke up and spoke her mind freely. She expressed herself however she wanted, only to get labelled as a wild woman.  

Wild man: The wild man raised his voice, sharpened his tone, and flailed his arms in the heat of the argument. 

Wild animal: Among the depths of the ocean are where the wildest animals live.

Wild beast: The wild beast scoured the forest in order find prey to satisfy his large appetite. 

Wild thing: There is an inner child, free-spirited wild thing in all of us. 

elina chen

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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

  • Wild Woman: Labelled by society as a “wild woman,” she lived happily knowing that she lived life by her own rules.
  • Wild Man: He used to live a life in loafers, but now the people in town know him as the “wild man” with feet hardened by the earth.
  • Wild Animal: After escaping the world of domesticity, the housecat now roamed the empty streets as a “wild animal.”
  • Wild Beast: “Capture that ‘wild beast,’” they said, but little did they know, that beast was someone’s pet. 
  • Wild Thing: Greg was a seemingly normal person, but the “wild thing” about him was that he poured milk in before cereal.

-Anna Allen


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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

I saw a woman on the other side of the street dancing and singing without any music, she looked like a wild woman to me. 

There was a wild man running around the store with a gun, I was scared that he would shoot anyone who got in his way. 

I heard a very strange noise in the backyard that sounded like a wailing baby but, upon further review, it was just a wild animal. 

When I first met my friend’s dog he ran towards me and seemed more like a wild beast than a dog, but once he calmed down, he was tame at heart. 

My daughter is a little wild thing, constantly running and flailing around outside.

Anna Ranslem


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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

Wild Woman: She was considered a wild woman for her time. Staying out late and paving her own path was more unknown for women of the 1900s. 

Wild Man: He was a wild man living out in a cabin all alone with just his beer and an ax. 

Wild Animal: Wild animals can often be found in their natural habitat if you stay quiet and don’t alert them of your presence. 

Wild Beast: His dog was a wild beast. The dog was known to bite people left and right and was prone to aggressive behavior. 

WIld Thing: There was one wild thing about her. She loved to howl like a wolf. 

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Blog Post 8: Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality

-wild woman: I remember her being much more closed off, but she really is a wild woman now!

-wild man: Like a wild man, he shut himself away from the world after the incident. The loss of his child struck him with such grief. 

-wild animal: The wild animal slowly retreated back into the forest after encountering the open road.

-wild beast: As it rampaged across the city, the wild beast made sure to leave nothing but ruination and destruction in its wake.
-wild thing: They moved akin to a wild thing, overflowing with speed and ferocity.

– Kenny Ly

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