Blog Post 1: What does “wild” mean?

The dictionary has a few definitions for the term wild. The first definition of wild that comes up is the adjective, which describes an animal or plant as living or growing in the natural environment, not domesticated or cultivated, as well as lacking discipline or restraint. The noun definition describes a natural state or uninhabited region. Finally, the adverb definition of wild describes how someone might behave in an unrestrained or violent matter without regulation or control. Overall, my sense of the simple definition of wild describes something that is living in nature and is not domesticated, so it does not have a home.

In my opinion, wild is something, such as a person or animal, that is untamed. It is something that never grew up in a society where laws were put in place to follow. It is something that also never had a mature figure to look up to and admire to understand how society works or what is right and wrong. It is something that does not have a sense of moral responsibility in its respective culture or environment. It is something that lives on its own moral compass, disregarding any rules or laws. It is something that is essentially free. It will run freely and live on its own without any real home. It is free to do whatever its heart desires even if that action could lead to injury or even death. It is something that is unregulated and almost impossible to control, as it has a free spirit.


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3 Responses to Blog Post 1: What does “wild” mean?

  1. jjg4922

    I agree with your definition of wild and in particular this statement ” It is free to do whatever its heart desires even if that action could lead to injury or even death.” Typically, when people define wild they associate it with the wilderness and undomesticated animals. Although that is true, wild can also be defined in many other terms that are subjective to a person. In my opinion, my definition aligns with yours. Wild can be define as something that society is not used to or against of. Any action that is in contrast of a society moral responsibility can be viewed as wild. It is having the ability to commit any act without thinking about judgment and punishment. As you said, it is to be free to pursue your desires or thoughts and act on it regardless of the consequences.

  2. ip4973

    I love how you describe your definition of the word “wild” in relation to laws and morals! It really connects to how humans are not considered “wild” because we HAVE laws but what would society look like if morals and laws did not exist? Would humans always be wild too?

  3. lmr3855

    I totally agree with your own interpretation of the word wild. I as well in my discussion wrote about how for something to be considered wild it has to live giving no importance to rules or laws and simply be how it wants to be. Before I really thought about what wild could apply to, the first thing that would instantly come to mind were also people and animals such as a wild cat or someone with a “wild personality” since they live recklessly and with no fear to consequences or what is considered ordinary. Wild things come to be when things don’t try to be tamed or domesticated to fit in with the rest of the society but simply cease to exist in their most natural form.

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