Blog Post 1: What does “wild” mean?

  According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “Wild” is defined as (of an animals plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated. They also define “wild” as uninhabited, uncultivated, or inhospitable. On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster definition of wild is “growing or produced without human aid or care.” To add, the Cambridge dictionary also contains similar definitions such as “uncontrolled, violent, or extreme.” They also give the definition of “wild” that is used in slang. The definition is “very unusual, often in a way that is attractive or exciting.” In all these English dictionaries, they aim to describe wild as something that is “animal-like”. They define wild to be undomesticated and violent. In Spanish, no word correctly translates the word “wild.” The closest translation would be “Salvaje”. However, “Salvaje” is also translated to “savage” in English. The Spanish dictionary also defines wild as undomesticated, untamed, and feral.

   It is interesting to see how many different words are used to describe “wild.” All these definitions use similar words to explain what wild is. I say that for the most part, it is correct, and I have used the word wild as each definition states. I say wild is defined as something bizarre and unnatural to society. It is something that is yet accepted by people or may not be comprehended yet. In English, the world wild is used frequently to describe something out of the ordinary. Also, I say many young people use the word “wild” in a slang way. It is used to describe something that is” crazy but cool”. However, although in Spanish we use the word similarly, it is more extreme and less commonly used. It’s used to describe something cruel or vicious and mostly something that comes from the forest or mountains.

-Jaileen Gutierrez


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2 Responses to Blog Post 1: What does “wild” mean?

  1. Vivian Nguyen

    When reflecting on the word “wild” and its definition, I, too, took on the polysemous view of “wild” having multiple definitions and language interpretations. I agree with your own definition of “wild”- something bizarre and unnatural to society. This definition of wild aligns with most of the many definitions provided by dictionaries and also aligns with my daily use of the word. I find it interesting that the Spanish word for “wild” has a more extreme and negative connotation, which is similar to that of the Vietnamese use of the adjective. It would be interesting to expand on your study of this difference in language! Good Job!

  2. aga2544

    I like how you addressed not only the formal definition for the term “wild,” but included the informal/slang definition. In my day-to-day language, I tend to use the word “wild” in the context of something that is bizarre or cool. However, depending on the person, the term can mean something entirely different. This goes to show that the term has both negative and positive connotations.
    I also found it interesting with your comparison of the term “wild and its Spanish equivalent, “Salvaje.” Depending on the language, and subsequently the culture, words have their own connotation.

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