I like how when Gloria Anzaldúa proposes this question, it isn’t the type of question that you expect a literal response to. I think the way Anzaldua was proposing this question was to show how a wild tongue like hers was not made to stay quiet and be reserved. Because Anzaldua always stood for what she believed in and make a positive change, when the dentist told her they were “going to have to do something about [her] tongue,” it made her question what that really meant. Given the “strong and stubborn” personality she had, there was no way to stop a wild tongue like hers. In my opinion, although you can’t force a strong, opinionated person to keep to themselves, there are ways in which this wild tongue can be tamed. Because of the situation she was in and the hardships she faced such as racism and sexism, I believe there is a way to express opinions and thoughts for your own personal benefit. Knowing how and when to express your opinions is of importance due to her being considered a minority. There are always better, more appropriate ways to say the express your thoughts without having to hold back from what we have to say. You don’t necessarily have to “make it lie down” but know when to keep low and how to come up.
Author Archives: lmr3855
Wild sentences
– Women who are strongly independent and outgoing can be seen as a threat and sometimes mistaken for wild women due to their intensity but others fail to realize that it is a privilege to be a strong, successful woman.
– Those who make it their life goal to backpack around the world can be seen by many as wild men but I believe doing so can introduce you to sceneries and experiences you otherwise might’ve never encountered.
– After my brother’s cat attacked his arm and made it bleed deeply, he was ruled by my parents to be a “wild animal” and was kicked out of the house to live outside.
– Because the forest is such a big, lonely, and mysterious place, we never know what type of wild beasts might be hiding out there waiting for a lost explorer to show up.
– With my older brother recently getting married, it has made me realize what a wild thing life is and no matter how unique we might think we are, the greatest things in life are typically done by many, such as getting married.
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Blog 6
In the story “The Good Lion”, wild is represented by the bad lions since, compared to the good lion, they don’t seem to care about others but themselves. “The other lions .. every day ate zebras and wildebeests and every kind of antelope. Sometimes .. people too. They ate Swahilis, Umbulus, and Wandorobos and they especially liked to eat Hindu traders.” The lions show how they were untamed, felt no restriction to doing whatever they pleased, and didn’t try to act a certain way even when their actions were hurting others. When the wickedest of all the lionesses told the good lion “I think I shall kill you and eat you, wings and all”, we see how wild the bad lions can really get since not only did they not care for eating people, but they didn’t care for eating one of their own. On the other hand, in the story “Where the Wild Things Are”, wild is represented by scary monsters, the wild things, and they “roar terrible roars and gnash their terrible teeth and roll their terrible eyes and show their terrible claws”. What makes them wild is the fact they are monsters and act as such but they don’t necessarily hurt anyone, instead, they make Max the king and proceed to have a “wild rumpus” which just goes back to being loud and monster-like but not hurtful like the lions. These stories are different because they each represent wild in a different way, “The Good Lion” represents wild as untamed and with no regard to consequences while “Where the Wild Things Are” represents wild as scary creatures but don’t act out of impulsion and are nice to those around them. Although both the lions and the wild things look like they would do wild actions, only the lions act this way.
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Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde was an Irish poet who was among the most popular playwrights in the early 1890s focusing on stories of drama, criticism, and epigram. He is best remembered for his novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, which I personally think is an outstanding book due to its originality and plot, and his criminal conviction for gross indecency for homosexual acts. Although he was considered a celebrity and many were fans of his work, he wasn’t accepted when the public found out about his interest and who he had discovered to be. At the present time, Wilde’s work is still being used and studied despite his conviction and why he was convicted, giving us an idea that he is better received today than he was back in his time. He is considered to be a controversial figure because although he was a family man, he was known to engage in homosexual acts and had a sculptured figure with large genitalia over his grave. I personally think he is a wild writer because he was not afraid to introduce new ideas even when he knew these wouldn’t be accepted by society. I like how he didn’t care for the outcome of his actions and would do what felt right for him without fear of what others would think of him.
In the poem “Her voice”, he writes ” Sweet, there is nothing left to say But this, that love is never lost, ” which I think really highlights the type of person he was. He seems to be very passionate about love no matter who it is with but how they make you feel.
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Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz, a story communicated by author L. Frank Baum in a third-person point of view manner, entails the story of a girl who gets stuck in the middle of a tornado which ends up taking her to the land of Oz. Along her way, she encounters different people being a lion, tinman, scarecrow, and witch along with magical events giving this experience a dream-like feeling. Although this appears to speak to a younger audience and comes across like a children’s book, once analyzed and paid attention to, this story has deeper meanings and messages which speak to an older audience and can be considered an adult story.
In chapter 18, they use the word wild to refer to a beast. ” I am really a wild beast,” says the character and, throughout the other chapters as well, wild is used when describing animals which would be in a way dangerous since they have not been tamed and act to survive. Similarly, in another case, the author writes “wild crows”. In this paragraph, we can see logos when they say “there are wild beasts in the woods” since the woods can be seen as a dangerous place that contains dangerous animals, and in this place that would be beasts. We see ethos because himself the character is saying “I am a wild beast” so we know he is a credible source.
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Another Brick in the Wall
A song I consider to be wild is the song “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd released in 2001 as part of the album “The Wall” in the genre of rock music. I remember my dad first showing my brothers and me this song when I was around five years old and I never forgot it primarily because of the music video. The music video itself I consider to be wild because it portrays students in a very strict school. They seem to do exactly what they are told and follow every rule, making them just another fish in the sea. What stuck out to me is that they are so “brainwashed” that they willingly fall into a meat grinder. The video takes a turn when everyone decides to set free of this system and do as they please.
The wild meaning behind this song is that the teacher is representing the government not allowing people to live freely and the need to control most aspects of people’s lives while the students represent the people and how they are stuck in this harmful system. I think the title of this song fits perfectly well because everyone has the same lifestyle based on the government and no one makes a difference, making everyone just another brick in the wall. The video depicts, in a different situation, what the song is trying to portray which I think overall gives it that wild effect of showing control and how others don’t refrain, making them “brainwashed”. I think the author is trying to tell us to break free from this and how maybe the government is not in our best interest.
NASCAR racing is an American auto racing company that each year sanctions over 1,500 races at over 100 tracks in 48 US states as well as in Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Daytona 500 is a 500-mile-long NASCAR Cup Series motor race held annually at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida. Although it might seem like a very low-demanding sport since the bottom line of the sport is who can drive the fastest, there are many other skills required to succeed in this high-intensity sport. Because cars reach extremely high speeds of over 200 miles per hour and can go from 0 to 60 mph in around 3 seconds, having fast reflexes is a main necessity for the drivers. Physical stamina is another important skill as drivers must handle strong G-forces, high temperatures, and a sustained heart rate between 160 and 200 bpm during a race. Additionally, teamwork is another strong aspect needed to succeed in racing since everyone from the driver, pit crew, managers, to even sponsors carry the same responsibility of communicating effectively in order to improve performance, modify vehicles, and secure wins. This sport can be of entertainment to people of all social groups but can be considered a high-level sport.
It is evident there is a large ratio between men and women as this is a male-dominated sport. What this can reveal about the internal gender dynamic of this sport I believe can go hand in hand with the stereotype that women are bad drivers. I do believe in all sports or activities there will be a dominating gender which leads to “playing gender” instead of “playing sport”. For example, in basketball or soccer, the women division attracts way less attention than the men’s but on the other hand, when it comes to modeling women attract most of the attention. I feel gender definitely plays a role when it comes to sports having to do with what gender this sport is generally associated with.
I feel this sport can be defined by the term wild since drivers reach incredibly high speeds. Any wrong or too late of the slightest turn can lead to horrible accidents or possibly death. I think drivers are brave as they get in a car and drive it the fastest they possibly can without overthinking the danger that comes from it.
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The House That Jack Built
I recently saw a movie that was 2:30 hours long directed by Lars von Trier starring Matt Dillon. This movie was released November 29, 2018 and I personally think it is the wildest movie I have seen. This movie is about a guy in his 40ish who one day randomly thinks how easy it is to kill someone. The movie goes on to him describing each of his killings and it goes to show how heartless and crazy this man can really be. Just how he impulsively thought of how easy it is to kill someone, the killings show how there was really no thought or plan behind them, he just decided he was going to kill each person and did it. I believe this movie is wild because this isn’t only regular fast “done and go” murders, the way he executes the murders and the aftermath is what really struck me. It shows how careless he really is and how he had nothing but a desire to kill.
The scene that really had me intrigued was one of a mother with her two children. The scene starts off with the four of them going on a target shooting area and we understand Jack is dating the girl. It then cuts off to the mother and both kids hiding from Jack and how he is essentially hunting them. Not only did he decide to hunt 3 people but it shows how he didn’t really even think of them as people but as targets. Jack without hesitation shoots both of the kids in front of their mother and prepares a picnic which he then sits everyone ( dead or alive ) around to eat. This really showed how crazy Jack was which really portrayed how wild the movie really is.
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Wild is defined to be as either the rawest form of nature as something hasn’t been tamed such as a wild animal or wild grasses or as the personal state of being reckless and led by passion rather than conforming with the ordinary. For something to be considered wild, it has to be seen as unrestrained and idiomatic in its own individual way, the simple aspect of not being influenced by how things should be but by things being unaffectedly how they genuinely want to be.
In my opinion, wild refers to something that isn’t domesticated and ceases to exist without any alterations. Ranging from animals to people to even events, I see wild to be things happening without anything or anyone affecting the outcome. An animal is seen as wild because it isn’t changed to act or belong where it doesn’t, a person is wild because they live as they please without the need to fit in or abide by anyone’s rules, and an event or occasion can be considered wild due to it occurring as if there were no regulations and not allowing anything to control it but the pure fact of existence. Wild experiences tend to occur when rules are broken and rules were made to keep everyone from doing whatever they wanted, in a way altering their original course of action. I see wild as things happening in their most pure, natural sense without having to be a certain way to fit in with today’s society.
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