In my opinion Gloria, creates an almost impossible question because to tame a wild tongue is to conform it to a neutral almost robotic state. A wild tongue, at least in her case, is everything shes ever been before coming to the United States. All the culture shes surrounded herself in is expressed in her way of speaking and to suppress what you have always been accustomed to is very difficult. Its unfortunate to read about because an individual should never be forced to conform to a right or wrong in relation to their culture. Anzaldua’s Chicano culture was trying to be washed away as the people she was now surrounded by saw it as less then what they were but it she did not let that stop her. Throughout the story Gloria seems so insistent on not conforming, and staying true to her culture that led to her not training her tongue. The question is almost impossible as it can be done, if the individual has zero regards of where they came from and are totally okay with changing everything about themselves to fit in then taming a wild tongue is as simple as just listening to what your new surrounding tell you to do. Gloria however, makes it known that although sometimes she felt completely outcast in where she was, she made sure that she was never going to conform and would find a place where having a “wild” tongue was not just tolerated but welcomed in open arms.
Category Archives: Welcome
Wildness as a Liminal Word and Humanimality
- Did you not see what she did in the shoot out scene of the movie, now that right there is a wild woman.
2. You know what’s wild man, the only reason flamingos are pink is because of the food they eat they are born white.
3. The wildest animal in my opinion has to be the hyaena, what type of animal laughs at is prey just before its about to strike.
4. I swear last night me and jason we just walking at night when this thing, this wild beast appeared out of the brush and sprinted towards the woods.
5. You know the wild thing is, I actually had only known her for a couple days but I guess certain people can really leave a mark on you.
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Is Wilde “Wild”
For this Blog Post, write a small rhetorical commentary about Wilde’s “wildness.” Who is Oscar Wilde? What literary period/genre did he belong? How was he received back then and how is reception now? Why was/is he a controversial figure? Do you think he is a “wild” writer? Why/why not? You are also expected to select ONE poem or story from Wilde (other than “The Sphinx”) and draw on that (using quotes) to further fortify your argument.
Oscar Wild, born in 1854, was a famed Irish poet and playwright who became very popular throughout London in the late 1880s through 1890s. His reception back then was definitely mixed at first but became much more negative once he was set to prison for “Gross Indecency” and a multitude of homosexual acts. Although seemingly normal now back them, since homosexuality was not accepted, even though his were conceptual, he was sentenced to prison where he spent his later years. His perception now has definitely been more open, with some seeing him as a leader for expressing who he truly was. I definitely do believe that Oscar Wilde was indeed “wild” due to him doing what he wanted to do and not letting anyone stop him. What he was charged for was something that was not taken well by most people because of how unexplored that area of sexuality was explored, hence his “wildness,” he was doing what others would not do because of the consequences put in place. When looking at the The Ballad of Reading Gaol which he wrote in prison, Wilde talks about how individuals choose their fate. “each man kills the thing he loves, Yet each man does not die.” I think here Wilde refers to his situation because as much he was homosexual and was open about it, he knew that the government would not except it and he would be sent to trial. So for expressing what he loved he himself killed it by getting sent to prison. That sacrifice was what made Wilde so “wild,” to share the love he had for someone even though it was not expectable, but to him its all that mattered.
“Wild” Literature and “the Wild” in Literature
When comparing both “The Good Lion” and “Where the Wild Things are” both stories share similarities in how the main character is in a situation in which he does not feel two comfortable in. In where the wild things are the protagonist escapes the world to go into “the wild” to find these unique beings who are as “wild” as he is so he feels more comfortable. In the Good Lion wild is a bit more literal as they are comparing the wild environment of Africa and Italy, but also figuratively as the other Lions see the lion that is from Italy to be weird for not comprehending how the African Lions live on a regular basis. So while similar in how “wild” is used as the unfamiliar they differentiate in the setting. The Wild word explored in “where the Wild Things are” is strictly figurative as it is built in the mind of the protagonist, in comparison to the Lion which actually goes to the Wild location of Africa which is a bit more literal.
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What on Earth is “The Wizard of Oz”?
When reading the Wizard of Oz, I believe in saying that it is definitely for kids but does of course offer a message for the older audiences as well. Since the story is build upon more imaginative things its focus on children more so makes sense as adults especially at the time would definitely not enjoy the very unrealistic concepts that time as the United States was in a very depressive state as a country. Further more they way in which I do see this as a story for kids is it teaches children a lot of good messages that they should carry out in the future. There are concepts touching on encouraging courage, having compassion, wanting to pursue knowledge. These are all great things to teach children especially in the manner in which they are done, in a way where its more subliminal but eye catching enough for kids to remember, in relation to scenes with the Lion, Tin man, and Scarecrow. When looking at a scene which the word “wild” is used we can look at the scene in which Dorothy asks the Tinman if they would meet “any wild animals” and then after naming animals that fit that description. Animals that are unpredictable, bold, or intimidating, such as Tigers and Lion. What I find fascinating about the usage of the word is that although its used correctly it is foreshadow to the exact opposite that would happen in the story, meeting a lion who was timid and shy, anything but intimidating.
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What is Your “Wild(est)” Song?
The wild song that I want to focus on is “Famous” by Kanye West. This infectious trap single from Kanye’s 2016 album the life of Pablo is wild for many reasons. First, by listening to the production, there a lot of heavy bass and aggressive beats involved to help with the rather fast delivery of West. Secondly, the addition of the sample of “Bam Bam” to create a beat switch in the ladder part of the song is genius because although normally it wouldn’t merge with a heavy trap beat but the way its introduced and mixed into the song is actually wild. Finally there is the lyrics. Kanye makes it clear from the beginning that this intense beat is going to be paired with lyrics that are equally or if not more intense then the beat itself. This song is about fame and what comes with it such as loopholes and easy ways out, that’s why when he says that “[he] and Taylor might still have sex] its goes along with what he was trying to say all along. Prior to this song Kanye famously interrupted Taylor Swifts 2009 VMA’s and became arguably one of the most hated famous people in the world. But as history shows today, that has changed and West has proved that even in his lowest moment he can return to the top. That is what he is trying to say in that moment and in others such as “[he] just copped a jet to fly over personal debt” its saying that money and fame can wash away problems that had haunted him in the past. For him to be so outspoken and to even boast about how has been so low but finds it so easy to return to the top is wild in itself because the whole “money fixes everything” is not something most people can relate to. Its a bold song, with bold claims and statements but, that’s why its loved by so many because although its not relatable, so many people strive to reach that kind of fame. To be “Famous.”
Play It Good, Play It Wild: Sports and Gender (Links to an external site.)
In this video, the audience is presented to the end of an unbelievable comeback from the Greatest tennis player of all time Roger Federer. From a set down and 2 consecutive match points down on the tie break, Federer was able to prove critics wrong once again and make the stadium of Rome roar in excitement. Tennis, seen as a more civilized sport, is seen to some as boring but this clip, it shows the power the sport truly has from its greatest artist. With that being said, due to its nature of bringing a more tasteful audience tennis has been able to build a bridge between both the men and women of the sport. Since 1973 tennis has provided players, of both gender, the same amount of prize earnings, for the entertainment they provided for audiences around the world. Furthermore, compared to football or baseball which is dominated by male viewership, tennis is one of the few sports where viewership is relatively close and I think it is due to its more elegant nature. Although equality in tennis among genders has been terrific, my critique of the sport is in its failure to intrigue more of a broader economic range. Especially in the United States, Americans have been found to be less intrigued by the sport due to other sports being more accessible, economically and that should change, Wildness in this sport is definitely present and we see it in the excitement of the crowd backing the now 40-year-old (vid he is 38) cement his place at the top of the list. For a game where silence plays a massive role, wildness is seen in between points by both the invested audience and passionate celebrations of the greatest to ever do it, both male and female.
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Wild Films
A movie that I would consider to be “wild” is called “The way way back.” This movie directed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash is an Indie coming of age story of a boy who is trying to break out of his shell but finds it difficult due to the outspoken nature of those to who he is forced to be surrounded by. The main character Duncan finds himself stuck having to go on vacation with his mother and her new found boyfriend Trent, played by Steve Carell, to this “adult paradise” beach. In trying to find himself, Duncan begins to bike around to eventually end up at Water Wizz. There a familiar voice called out to Duncan and eventually offers him a part-time job to maybe break out a bit. This offer made by the manager Owen, played by Sam Rockwell, is gladly taken up and Duncan begins to really enjoy himself and is allowed an escape from his not-so-comfortable family situation. As summer comes to a close and Duncan has to say goodbye to his new found family (whom his mother knew nothing about” decides to get out of the car and runs to water wizz one last time to thank his friends for everything they did for him on his vacation.
Honestly, I can imagine the majority of people watching this and not understanding how it’s wild but here me out. This movie is all about a character that is terribly shy and insecure, and by thankfully being pushed into a situation where he feels comfortable enough to start to be himself slowly you see how that opens up his true self. There’s this particular scene where they throw a farewell party for one of the employees and its amazing to see Duncan be so true and happy, its that growth that took courage to spark which makes him “wild.”
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What does “wild” mean?
The word wild, according to its paper definition, is one of a variety of things. Some believe it to be a description of the uninhabited and naturalistic aspect of physical life, think forests, caves, and other biomes that have not really been touched by humans. Others see the word as a description to express something, whether it be living or not, and it being undomesticated or untamed. That definition although can be seen as similar to the first, also accounts for the worlds living creatures. Lastly wild can be seen to some as a state of panic, or nervousness, positive or negative, wild is someone that is out of their comfort zone.
That third definition is one which I can agree with the most. I see the word wild and immediately think of being out of my element, but in a good way. I like using the word wild when describing someone that is consistently proving that they are not going to let anything stop them. Connect that with the second definition, it’s someone that lives untamed, not letting anyone restrain your beliefs or your actions. Being “Wild” should not be something a person should be ashamed of being. It is them breaking what is normal or “normality.” Its people and experiences that get described as wild or crazy, that type of person or place or adventure is what is sticking in other people’s heads. So “wild” as much as it is the scary uninhabited, untamed, and undiscovered, is also an opportunity to find or experience something new.
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Saddling Wild Tongues
In the literal sense of the phrase, “taming” one’s wild tongue, you can definitely put on some numbing cream or put her down with some sleeping medicine to calm the tongue and her. In a metaphorical tense, when speaking of controlling one’s speech, or quick temper, I think that just takes patience and maturity. When someone is young and someone says something mean to them, their first instinct is to react to that with something even worse. It takes a lot of maturity to realize that maybe that isn’t always the best way to go about it. One must think about their motives of speaking out against someone, as well as thinking about the possible consequences of those actions. Usually, people under the influence have a harder time doing this, so try to stay sober minded to keep one’s temper in check. In speaking of how Spanish was not allowed to be spoken in America, I believe that is just unethical and it is not possible to control one’s tongue in that situation. Language is a part of one’s culture and that should not be limited by anyone. Overall, controlling one’s tongue is not an easy task in any sense of the term, and it is almost impossible to make it “quiet,” but one can only try.
-Major Wheless