Category Archives: Song Analysis

Country Salvation

As a long time country music lover I feel the need to introduce ya’ll to my all time favorite Kenny Chesney. His newish album shows his free spirited personality. He really hit the jackpot on this one because his songs are still on the top 20’s chart and the album was released back in September of 2014. I’ve compiled a few songs I think everyone should hear on the Big Revival album and given them my two cents.

‘Wild Child’ has been named one of his signature songs for the Big Revival album, which in my opinion matches him perfectly. Girls listen up because, “Chesney admits the song kind of describes every girl he’s ever been attracted to.” He opens up to the world revealing a life of chasing and running. He chases girls that are free spirited while he is the same, unable to be tamed. Maybe he’s calling out to tell all the girls how to treat him?

Another song in his album that I feel truly captures the essence of Kenny is ‘American Kids.’ Barefooted for this entire video, Kenny invites his audience to come and celebrate life with him. I think almost everyone can relate to this song from riding school busses to making out on your living room couch. I know I can. It brings back memories that make me want to sway with the music and clap along.

‘Til It’s Gone’ adds on to Chesney’s emphasis on living life to the fullest. “One life, one chance… You and me still holding on right down to the last song.” He’s not going to quit living early. Instead he is going to hold on till the very end and enjoy every bit of it. I always feel like life passes by so quickly, moving from semester to semester not stopping or slowing down.

“It’s the little things that make life worth livin” sings Chesney in ‘Beer Can Chicken.’ Bringing it back to the roots, Chesney reminds me of the times I would spend in the back yard giggling when my dad would pour some of his beer on the chicken. These memories remind me that it’s not always about the big things in life. Something as simple as BBQ chicken can make your life worth living.

I find ‘Save It For A Rainy Day’ empowering. I wont let anything or anybody hold me down. There will be days that I can think about the people that hurt me, but for now I am going to enjoy my life and these perfect sunny, spring days. This song picks up its listeners with a big smile and a pat, sayin’ chin up kid and keep on kickin’ butt.

Overall this album is refreshing and makes me want take my life and live it to the fullest every day so I don’t miss a beat. I hope everyone finds it as uplifting as I do. P.S. to all my southern girls who ever need an uplifting Chesney says, “Southern girls are God’s gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the Mason-Dixon line and once you go southern may the good Lord help you-you may never go back.” Kenny loves us, what more could we ask for?


Filed under Music Videos, Song Analysis

SNL Gets a Taste of Blake Shelton

imgresBlake Shelton’s success continues to sky-rocket from his win on the Voice and his chart topper, “Neon Light”, to his debut as host and musical guest on Saturday Night Live. Saturday Night Live got a jump start after a few sluggish weeks. The pop country star brought a smile to many faces with skits including “Farm Hunk”, a parody of the Bachelor, and “Wishin’ Boot”, a satire of inspirational country ballads. Blake’s humor and wit stole the show!

This year’s SNL cast has definitely not been as strong as years past, but Blake’s wonderful comedic and musical performances gave the show just what it needed. Shelton’s humble roots shown through in his Hee Haw-themed opening monologue. While sitting on a bale of hay, Blake did a “little pickin’ and grinnin’” as he tried to draw out laughter with good old country jokes. Blake killed it with country self-parody throughout the episode.

imgres-1Although using stereotypes of the south and country music, you’ve got to love a man that can laugh at himself! The highlight of the night was “Wishin’ Boot”, a song that satirized typical inspirational country ballads. Blake was accompanied in this pre-recorded skit by the hilarious Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant. This terribly catchy (and I mean terrible), country song had the crowd laughing hysterically, and I was no exception. Although obviously a bad country song, “Wishin’ Boot” was undeniably funny!

imgres-2The episode’s rendition of the Bachelor, “Farm Hunk”, was hilarious as the female contestants tried to “steal him [Shelton] away for a sec”. This skit gave the audience some good laughs even though the majority of the comedic lines came from the strong female cast. Still, even with a strong cast by your side the typically hilarious “Family Feud” skit was not as funny as expected from this reoccurring skit. “Family Feud” contestants were comprised of the coaches from the Voice and the judges from American Idol. Once again, Kate McKinnon stole the spotlight with an impersonation of Keith Urban. Blake, playing himself, had a few good lines mentioning his beautiful and talented wife, Miranda Lambert.

Blake Shelton’s comedic versatility was refreshing and just what SNL needed; not to mention his phenomenal musical performances with songs like “Boys ‘Round Here” and “Neon Light”. In the words of Blake Shelton, he is “kind of like the Justin Bieber of country music — just a trouble-makin’ cutie.” Blake was welcomed with open arms to the SNL family, and hopefully, we will see him host again in the future.

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Filed under Live Music, Movies and TV, Reviews, Song Analysis

“Just Give it Away”: Country’s Best Breakup Songs

Since we had a greatest love songs blog posted this morning, we might as well just go ahead and cover the greatest country music break up songs while we’re at it! So thanks Brittany for helping me come up with my blog post idea.

Breakup songs are the BEST. When you’re in the “cupcake” phase of love, usually those songs listed in Brittany’s article below are the ones that have been put on repeat on your iPod. But just as fast as something so beautiful as love can come together, it can fall apart just as fast. And who doesn’t like to blast a mad, revengeful breakup song when they have just been dumped? I know I do!

So here’s my favorite country break-up songs:

  • How can anyone make a playlist about any country song and not put a George Strait song? This song was written about a divorce and all the harsh feelings and emotions that follow a divorce. In the song, they’re deciding who’s going to take what and how the money is going to be divided and both parties are just so nonchalant and don’t want any memories of the other person, hinting the break up was ugly.

“How do You Like me Now?” by Toby Keith

  • A classic Toby Keith song. This music video is quite comical and I have personally loved this song since it came out. This song is about a guy who wanted this girl in high school but she wasn’t interested and then 20 years later he hits her up and shows her what she could’ve been. He keeps making references to how he’s on the radio and in her ear and she cant get rid of him because he’s so famous.

“Bye Bye” by Jo Dee Messina

  • This song is a little older also. It’s about the narrator and her boyfriend who can’t make up his mind on what he wants with her. So she “got a lead foot down on my accelerator”,” I ain’t ever lookin back, and that’s a fact”. She doesn’t need his indecisiveness.

“How Am I Doin” by Dierks Bentley

  • I swear Dierks Bentley’s songs never disappoint me. This song is about an old girlfriend calling her ex and asking how he’s been. After she asks “how am I holdin up since you did me wrong,” he goes on to explain to her how amazing his life has been. All the things she held him back from doing , he says “wait one minute, I failed to mention, those tears I cried are tears of joy” and then goes on to tell her all the things hes enjoying in his life that she never gave him.

Whatever your need or situation after a breakup, there is a country song for every mood and feeling. There are a few of my particular favorite ones and I hope you enjoyed listening to them!!


Filed under Lists, Song Analysis

The Cutest Country Love Songs

One of my favorite things about country music is all of the emotion behind almost every song you hear. It is difficult to listen to a song and not feel what the artist is singing about, which can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster at times. There is a country song for every emotion, and possibly every situation, that you could even imagine. I personally enjoy the happier tunes and what makes a person happier than a heart full of love for someone or something?! So, I have put together a short playlist of effective love songs that I believe can make a person feel ‘in love’ even if they do not have a significant other. If you are not feeling the love and thinking about a person after listening to these songs, I am willing to bet that you at least fall in love with the way each artist feels about their lovers.

  1. “Good Morning Beautiful” (2001) – Steve Holy

In this chart topping song, the narrator sings about how ever since his significant other came into his life, his days have brightened up. It is easy to see all of the love he has for his lover and would waking up and hearing this not be the sweetest thing ever? However, I am not the biggest fan of the music video.

  1. “She’s Everything” (2006) – Brad Paisley

Brad Paisley has a few really great love songs, but this one stands out the most to me. I think it is easily applicable to anyone’s relationship because he hits many different yet broad characteristics of the woman the song is for. My favorite line in the song is, “She’s a picture in my wallet and my unborn children’s mother.” What a special thing to say.

3. “A Woman Like You” (2011)– Lee Brice

Lee Brice really nailed it with this song. He managed to create a darn cute love story while keeping his masculinity, which makes it an enjoyable song for both partners in a relationship. This is arguably my favorite love song on this playlist because it isn’t super sappy like the other ones.

4. “I Cross My Heart” (1992) – George Strait

Strait sings about his “unconditional” love for his partner in this single. The song’s simplicity along with Strait’s dreamy voice makes it such a charming song. The song was written for the movie Pure Country, in which Strait was actually starred in. Plus, what would a playlist be without “the king of country music?”

5. “Deeper Than The Holler” (1988) – Randy Travis

This song has been one of my favorites ever since I was little. I love Travis’s voice and mix it with a song talking about how true his love is, well, I think it would be hard for anyone to not like it. I think of my dog, Delilah, when I hear “Deeper Than The Holler.”  It is also very catchy and will have you singing it in your head all day long!

Let me know what you think!


Filed under Lists, Song Analysis

Merle Haggard for the Win

merle-haggard_capitol-edit-dlA couple of weeks ago, I wrote this post about the list CMT has been releasing of the 40 artists who have been the most influential to country music. At that time, the organization had just announced its #4 choice, Dolly Parton. I predicted that the final three would be Merle Haggard, Elvis Presley, and Hank Williams.

Turns out, I was right about the names but wrong about the order. In the end, it was Elvis at #3, Hank Williams at #2, and Merle Haggard at #1. I am surprised that Hank wasn’t the final list-topper, but I will chalk it up to the fact that he’s been dead for 60 years. It’s hard to get too caught up in exact placements on lists like this one because they’re so crowded with talent and importance.

Also, I like Haggard. He’s been performing consistently for half a century, and in that time he’s helped country music both progress and stay true to its roots. On one hand, he is a true country music fan, recording songs by up-and-coming writers like Iris Dement (back in the ’90s). On the other hand, he also respects his elders, paying tribute to greats such as Jimmie Rodgers and Bob Wills. (You can download the Rodgers album here, for free).

We haven’t talked about him much in class, but in case you’re interested, here are two of my favorite Haggard songs:

“Mama Tried” topped the country charts in 1968 and is probably Haggard’s signature song. Don’t ask me why he’s performing on a carousel in this video.

Another chart-topper, “If We Make It Through December” (1974) was the song that made me a Haggard fan. Technically, it’s a Christmas song, but I think the story about a dad having to explain to his daughter why he can’t afford to give her a fancy holiday is worth listening to year-round.

Well, what do you think about CMT’s final list? Who was snubbed?


Filed under Bakersfield Sound, Classic Country, Lists, Song Analysis