Daniella’s Experiences

Coming into this course I really had no idea what to expect except for the fact that we would be covering country music in one way or another. As a part of this course I was able to experience and discover things that I probably would not have done on my own.

Coming into this course I really had no idea what to expect except for the fact that we would be covering country music in one way or another. As a part of this course I was able to experience and discover things that I probably would not have done on my own.

Coming into this course I really had no idea what to expect except for the fact that we would be covering country music in one way or another. As a part of this course I was able to experience and discover things that I probably would not have done on my own.


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Filed under Austin, Class work, Storify

One Response to Daniella’s Experiences

  1. Thanks, Daniella, for this post. Something that strikes me about the experiences that you discuss here is how so many of them push the typical boundaries people draw around country music. Ray Charles and Elvis Presley grew up on country music and definitely influenced it, but they’re not always appreciated by country music fans the way they should be. I am glad that the course gave you the excuse to ask your grandmother more about her Elvis collection. How would you say these experiences, taken together, changes how you will listen to country music in the future?

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