dave reflects.

I’m not the most social media oriented person. I don’t usually find it particularly addicting to post my random thoughts or pictures online so I can feel better with how many likes it gets. I usually post when I have something to post, but not uploading for the sake of uploading. So with that in mind, I was a little skeptic of taking control of the Twitter and Instagram account. But I have to admit; it was much easier and more enjoyable than I would have imagined it to be.

 I decided on tackling the playlist first, because nobody hates music, especially their own. I felt that editing our first college English assignment would be a little more stressful for some people, so I decided to make a more relaxing playlist. I listen to a million kinds of music so I basically just had to whittle down one of my existing country playlists. It also helped me to de-stress about what I would post about.

For my Twitter posts, I either related what I was doing to a post or found completely random stuff. Having a bit of writer’s block? Post a cartoon about it. Sleep deprived? Figure out where I can nap, go nap, and post my research because if I needed you all probably did too. By the end of the week I was certainly dreading posting less than at the beginning of the week.

As for Instagram, I decided to post about a combination of something Ms. Barta advised and something I tend to do: a library scavenger hunt and wandering. So during breaks in classes I would just wander around the various libraries and study spaces tucked all around campus and took pictures of what I thought might be cool or unexpected in a library. I thought it was funny, looking through my pictures from Bapst, I found one where I got the Hogwarts-vibe going on while also getting the evil-eye from one dude and capturing someone’s slight breakdown in the background. I highly recommend wandering around when you have the time. You really never know what you’ll find.

Overall I’d say that the experience was pleasant. It might be easier if posting your every thought comes naturally to you, but even if you aren’t programmed that way like me, it isn’t too stressful or difficult. Just embrace your randomness and you’ll be fine! Good luck Lora!

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