nick reflects.

Curating this week’s social media accounts for our class was probably the worst timing possible. I have been into twitter for a while now, tweeting nearly 2.5 times a day since I joined in November of 2011. Along with this I dabbled in Instagram, not posting nearly as much, but still enough to feel like I was a relevant participant, not missing out on anything. I realized recently that I used these accounts a little too much, and social media was making me unsocial in public at times, and so the Thursday before I was scheduled to curate, I deleted the apps from my phone and deactivated my accounts. This posed obvious problems when I realized I was supposed to be the curator this week, so I sucked it up, downloaded Twitter and Insta for one last week.

            Tweeting was, as always, enjoyable. Looking for relevant, as well as humorous articles/videos brought me to some interesting site and ideas on how a research paper should be written (one site said it was best to smoke before hand so all your inhibitions leave you, needless to say I did not tweet that).

            Originally, I planned on doing the classic Insta project, posting a few pictures of the campus and my daily life before closing up shop on the week with my tumblr post. But when I saw the other option to Instagramming, the library memoirs, I knew I had to do that instead.  This was an experience, trying to find books and movies, which fit together to tell a somewhat coherent story that was also important to me. I decided that, with the exception of “Man Stuff: Into the Wild To Kill a Mockingbird” I would try to fit books and movies together as an acknowledgment to my majors, English and Film Studies.

            Finally, Spotify was probably the most enjoyable aspect of the week. I tried a unique combination of songs. I tried to think about what I wanted people to know about me through my music and I decided that it couldn’t just be country. Every song I chose besides country was one my friends had played at one coffeehouse or another throughout high school. Those were the songs that held the most importance as I remembered the influence my high school still has on me.

While this week wasn’t particularly easy, I was incredibly rewarding as it made me self-reflect on what I really wanted people to read and know about me. If I only had 6-10 tweets, they needed to count, hold some importance, instead an overload of jokes my personal handle seems to yield. Realizing how much work this was, I looked back at all the projects before me, finally appreciating the work my classmates put into it, and will certainly look the accounts in future weeks.