Final Say



Brief, one-paragraph open letter. Think about what you have to say, at the end of the day, about the narrative of our class. What challenges, expectations, and goals do you have for the class that will take your place? What will you take from this class? What do you want to leave behind? What excellent advice would you offer?

(Hint: when you are posting your “Final Say” on WordPress, use the “Categories” box on the right hand side–uncheck “uncategorized,” and check “Final Say Spring 2017.”).

**as a reminder, this assignment exists outside of the Learning Record / assessment of the course. This is for you and for future students, so say whatever you like. It’s honestly a “altruism” assignment–you write what you wish you had known. You are doing you / them a favor by doing it, and I really thank YOU, but there is no obligation here!  =D

Want to read previous semesters’ letters?

Spring 2014