Amazing Austiny Things

I’m a very active Austinite and I do a lot of Austiny things. We live in a beautiful and very alive city. Listed below are just a few of my favorite things that I’ve explored here this semester!


If you haven’t been to Mount Bonnell then do you even live in Austin? Mount Bonnell is where one can go to overlook the beauty of Austin. It isn’t very high, nor is it a long walk from one side to the other, so if you want to explore the beauty and nature of Austin from the top, without the having to do the strenuous exercise you get from hiking, than this is the place for you.


Back in February our campus was graced when the Ellen show came to the 40 Acres. Sure Ellen wasn’t actually here, but it was still a super cool experience to see how the production and Ellen’s assistants put everything together to create the show. This is my friend Chi dressed as Beyonce trying to get noticed by Ellen to win tickets to the Grammy’s. She didn’t win, but she was still on national television for like two whole minutes so she’s still a winner in my eyes.


Do you have a dog? Then Red Bud Isle Park is the perfect place for you! it circles around lake Austin, and is located in a unique area that most people haven’t explored. It’s one of my favorite places to go. You can do everything here from kayak, to swim, fish, hike, or just sit in the grass. It is peaceful and beautiful, and it’s a great place for dogs to meet other dogs and play together! Don’t have a dog, but love dogs? This is the perfect place for you. I have yet to meet a rude dog owner here, and everyone is more than willing to let you play with their dogs! It is a great environment for nice people that like other nice people.


My digital culture hasn’t really changed this semester. I’ve always been good with social media, and all of the pictures listed above were posted on various social media accounts that I own. I have discovered though that sharing my experiences on social media influences others to go do the same experiences. After all, every hike that I take, and every new food that I try, I got the idea to do it from some sort of social media post. Social media, and the power of our iPhone cameras can really influence someones life.

2 thoughts on “Amazing Austiny Things

  1. Hi Ebony,

    I’ve been reading these posts in reverse-chronological order, and it’s interesting to see how you have different ideas about things others have discussed. In regards to Mount Bonnell, I like how you mention it’s one of the few places where you can appreciate Austin’s beauty without a strenuous hike — very true!

    I’m also glad you mentioned the dog park. I’m one of the people you mentioned that wishes he had a dog, but doesn’t — I can barely take care of myself!

    Nice job on this!


  2. Ebony,

    I remember how excited everyone on campus was when the Beyonce contest was going on. A group of my friends were actually finalists in the competition! I haven’t heard about Red Bud Isle Park until I checked out your blog! Sounds like a great place to spend the day! I will definitely take my dog there this summer to check it out.
    Nice blog!


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