To my surprise, being the Curator of the media accounts was more insightful and enjoyable than I expected. First off, being in control of the twitter account made me pay finer attention to detail. In order to find material to include in my tweets, I searched the web for current events and learned about what is going on in the world today. One of my tweets was based around the current Ebola crisis in Africa and it attached a link to an article regarding Ebola. Having read the article before posting it, I learned more about the crisis and felt like I should definitely become more plugged into current events.
The instagram piece of media week was enjoyable and insightful in its own way. The theme of my instagram posts was my last day home before returning to my “second home” (BC). Taking the time to capture moments of my day and return home made me appreciate the little things of that day much more. For example, I realized that driving a car for the first time in over a month is actually difficult. I constantly found myself not using blinkers and being much less comfortable behind the wheel. The instagram account also made me keep an eye out for moments of my day that could easily be captured in a photo. This made me much more aware of my surroundings and activities and, as a result, I enjoyed my day a little bit more.
Finally, my favorite part of the media week was creating my very own spotify playlist. Although I listen to all types of music across a spectrum of genres, I knew immediately what my playlist would consist of. Feel good music is my favorite type of music, and what is better for that than some classic oldies songs. I personally think that most of the songs on that playlist, if given the chance, are nearly impossible to dislike. Catchy, singable, danceable, you name it; the right playlist of oldies songs can provide it. Needless to say, I was excited to share a playlist of some of my favorite oldies.
At the end of the week, I look back and realize that the media week was not a burden at all, but rather an experience I enjoyed and learned from. Whether it’s paying closer attention to current events or thinking about my favorite songs to put on a playlist, the social media week was work that was a good break from your average cut-and-dry homework. Having participated in it myself, I will definitely be paying closer attention to the accounts in the future to see what my classmates will make of the opportunity.