Brendan reflects.

After weeks of anticipation, it was finally my turn to take over the accounts. Of course, I picked possibly the busiest week of college so far. I practically lived in the library for the entire week. No excuses though, I had to give the project my best effort.

I have never been big on social media. Although I have a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I rarely post anything. I use them to keep in touch with all my friends and get the latest news. So, I thought this assignment would be great. I could finally jump over the barrier and step up my posting game.

 Twitter was awesome. Instead of looking at funny vines or memes, I started to peruse through serious accounts. At BC, I have been out of touch with the outside world. The bubble is real. I have not taken the time to sit down to watch the news, read the paper, or even read a few CNN articles. I only know bits and pieces of information through conversations with others. So, when I started to look through these accounts, I lost myself at times. After being away from it for so long, it was amazing to finally take the time and become informed. Also, I took advantage of other class-related learning opportunities. The Purdue Owl links refreshed my memory and gave me more confidence in my ability to tackle the academic paper. Without this week, I probably would not have searched through websites like that. I would rely on old habits, and that is definitely not a good idea! 

Instagram, Instagram, Instagram… In my Instagram career, I have three posts in 68 weeks. I am not a big picture taker. Unlike some people, I never get that impulse to take out my phone and snap a few photos of something. But, I have to say, Instagram was my favorite part of this project. Every time I took a picture, I had to step back and focus for a few moments. BC is an incredible place. Since arriving here, I have not taken the time to truly appreciate this community. It’s just been a constant circle of class, homework, food, and sleep. After each picture I thought, Wow… I am so lucky to be here. Without this week, I do not know how long it would take before I finally realized that.

Spotify is a game changer. This week was definitely not the easiest one. I found it difficult to find some excitement in the week. So, I looked to Spotify for some help. I started to throw together some songs that got me pumped up for the day. I just needed that extra push to get through everything. Music is always helpful, and it can create any mood.

I am not going to sit here and say that the media account week was easy! But, it was definitely something that helped me take a step back from everything going on. I reflected on my time here at BC and tried to get out of the bubble that surrounds it. Although it was tough, it was definitely my one of my all-time favorite assignments.