vanessa authors.

This week I was the class’ author. This is honestly such a weird thing to describe. I held the power of authorship by obtaining all the usernames and passwords and I took over our class’ profiles with whatever I wanted to post, but with limitation. I authored the accounts with my interests and activities I thought my peers would enjoy seeing.

On a regular basis, I rarely use Instagram and I don’t use Tumblr and Twitter. I usually use Snapchat because it is easier for me to capture moments that are happening by pressing a button and then sharing it with my “buddies”. I mostly use Instagram because most of my friends use Instagram and although I do have a personal Twitter account, I only created it to enter a contest, which I lost.

At first, I didn’t know what to post. Do I post comical tweets or thought-provoking questions? I tried to do what I felt was right at the moment and I posted interesting things I came across on Twitter and photographed parts of my weekend on Instagram.

My favourite part of this assignment was making my Spotify playlist, which I am currently listening to while writing this. I thought about what type of playlist I wanted to make and I decided to make a “kick-back” type playlist that my friends and I could hang out and I could also do homework while listening to it.

Overall, this was an interesting project. When I told my parents that I have to do my Writing Seminar project this week, they were expecting something like a presentation not posts on a social media page. This assignment not only allowed me to express my interests and little parts of my life with the class as a whole. Looking back at what my peers have published before me, this project is like a mosaic of our class and an easy way to learn about each and every one of us. 

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