gabrielle curates.

Media week, it had been written in my planner since September when we signed up. When I finally got the email with passwords, I started to plan the tweets in my head. I had planned to tweet about International Education Week or preparing for Thanksgiving, but when it finally came to writing any tweets I hesitated.  Twitter was definitely the hardest part of my media week. Every time I went to write a tweet I could not keep it to 140 characters. Although I would have never thought it, the conciseness we went over in class was necessary when writing the tweets.

            Instagram and the journey I captured with the photos was much more fun when I finally had the pictures. I worried for days about what I would Instagram. Then realized I was going home this weekend. I had the chance to show my class a part of home. I didn’t think I would end up instagraming a snowman I made with my siblings. It was an unexpected adventure that I enjoyed posting and sharing on the account.

            My favorite part of being the social media curator was the spotify playlist. I did not have a spotify before the week started but now that I do, I am obsessed. I had so much fun exploring old songs, different genres and finding new artists. As I made my playlists I tried to make a playlist that could play in the background in my dorm room, make the room seem upbeat and alive – even if the weather is depressing. I hope other people enjoy my playlist or can discover new artists just like I did upon joining spotify.

            Social media is such a large part of our lives today, but now that I look back at my own participation I seem to be more of a bystander or part of the audience. Upon being the curator I took on a new role. I finally had to contribute to the media accounts rather than just looking at the things others posted.  Although I don’t think I will keep up this active participation in my own accounts, it allowed me to feel the excitement and rush others become addicted to.  

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