Tyler Takeover

Being the curator of all the media accounts for a week was pretty hard to be honest.  I enjoyed it very much but am not usually very active on social media so it was kind of strange for me.  At times I found it challenging to figure out what I want to post on twitter.  I am not a usual on twitter and same applies for all of the media accounts so for me it was fun to experience something new like this but was also a little challenging.

                  This is probably why my favorite part was making a Spotify playlist.  I have a few Spotify playlist to begin with but wasn’t sure what kind of playlist to make for this class.  I really enjoy all types of music and could have easily made a playlist with popular songs from any genre.  My friends were the first people that popped into my mind when I was thinking about what type of music to play.  I thought about all the good times driving to and from the shore with my friends and knew that I wanted to make a playlist that would describe that experience.  I miss my friends from home very much so making this playlist was good way to think about some good times with my friends.  I am honestly excited from this playlist to get home and spend time with all my close friends again.

                  For every other form of social media it was a challenge for me to figure out what to talk about or what pictures to upload.  I tweeted mainly about my studying habits for finals week and put up pictures from our trip to the BC basketball game Thursday.  I enjoyed having to take pictures and pick out which ones I thought were the best for the account and which ones truly showed the experience of the game.

                  All in all, media account week was pretty fun.  Like I said it was kind of difficult for me but looking back at it I found it to be interesting.  It’s nice to look back at my pictures and my tweets that I made for the account.  I enjoyed media account week and am excited to follow the account and see where the class takes it next semester.