Tomer reflects…

Quite honestly, when I first heard that we would be doing a social media week assignment in our writing class, I was rather puzzled. How could anything that us college students do on our respective social media accounts be relevant to a writing class? That question quickly resolved itself as I progressed through the various steps of this project. To me, this project was less about just contributing to the class’s accounts, and more about finding ways to best express my individuality and true identity. I found this assignment especially helpful in terms of thinking about and planning out my personal narrative, which will be due the week following the end of my social media responsibilities. In terms of relating to my work for the rest of the semester, I think that this assignment relates well to the phrase “authoring authentically,” which is one of the major themes of the course. I think to fully embody this theme and create work that will fall under the theme requires the ability of an individual to express their identity effectively, and this starts with being able to pinpoint one’s identity first and foremost. I think this assignment makes us really think about our identities, and helps us convey them in a non-traditional manner.

I think my favorite part of this assignment was the creation of my spotify playlist. It was really neat to think of what songs best describe me. It was more than just picking some of my favorite songs. I analyzed my entire iTunes library and chose songs that have some sort of meaning to me, ranging from songs that describe my personality to songs that are key to my heritage. If one listens to the playlist I complied, they will notice that there are many Israeli songs. Most of them are remixes of songs that I grew up listening to, and I thought that it was important to include them given that my past undoubtedly shapes the person I am today. Also, the general trend of the music I selected is, in one word, upbeat. I really think that this word is very accurate in terms of how I try to live my daily life. I’m always listening to some type of upbeat music, whether I’m writing blog posts for English class or lifting weights at the gym. I think this translates to how I go about my daily routine, and I feel as though it really mirrors my drive for productivity on a daily basis.

I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone else has to contribute to this unique project, and hope to learn about more about the personalities of my classmates from the social media perspective. 

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