sam reflects…

My week running the Barta FWS social media accounts has been
a blast. Coming into the project, I was dreading it. I had never used Twitter
or Spotify before and I wasn’t looking forward to spending a lot of time trying
to figure out how they worked. As it turns out, they’re really easy to use and
I enjoyed it. Tweeting was both fun and informative. I got to crack a couple
jokes we share as a class (whether people laughed or not, I’m not sure), but
the project also forced me to do some extra research to find articles relating
to our class. Doing this made me think about what we were doing in class when I
normally wouldn’t have. The Instagram story that I told enabled me to relive
one of the best memories of my freshman year here at BC. The freedom to pick my
story made me reflect on my life the past few months, which was a nice thing to
do. I was able to pick a memory that I think a lot of the people in the class
could relate to and that a lot of my classmates experienced as well.

My favorite part of this project
was the “Biopic” Spotify Playlist. I have a passion for music and to be able to
tell my life story through something that I am passionate about was great. I
feel like I have defined myself through this playlist. It has songs that
represent every part of my life: the ups, the downs and some important
experiences. I was excited with how it turned out because if Hollywood were
really making a movie of my life, the playlist would cover ever part of the
theoretical movie.

What I thought would be an arduous,
difficult assignment really turned into one that I enjoyed completing and also
got a lot out of personally. The reflective aspects of the assignment were
fruitful for me and I had a great time with the creative and unstructured
portions. Curating these accounts has been a great experience.

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