chris (d) looks back..

As I come to the end of my assigned social media week, I look back
upon my tweets, my photos, and my theme songs. My initial reaction to the Media
Account Week was not entirely positive. I was not excited about taking charge
of the class’s account because I, personally, am not a great supporter of
social media as a whole. I do not have my own twitter; I have never been on
tumblr; and I did not have a spotify account. I often view social media and
social networking as a way that today’s generation hides their true identities.
Many people today portray a facade on social media. However, this Media Account
Week assignment gave me a chance to understand how social networking can be
used for good, and not evil.

           This past week, I documented my days
and experiences through tweets, instagrams, and songs. I used twitter to share
articles and photos that sparked my interest. I became more aware of my
surroundings as I documented my day on instagram. The music that I enjoy became
more meaningful, as I focused on why it describes my personality. I tried to
tell an authentic story about myself through these social media accounts.

           Twitter was the hardest component
for me. Throughout the week, I would often read or experience something worth
sharing. These experiences did not all reach the account because I was either
too busy enjoying them, or because I simply forgot to tell about them. The
instagram account was a lot of fun. I found a regular Tuesday in the life of a
Boston College student. This everyday lifestyle is actually one of great
adventures. As I moved from the classroom, to the city’s public transportation,
to the BC hockey game, I found snapshots that could describe the experience
with little explanation in words. When I began gathering songs for my Biopic
playlist, many of my favorite songs came rushing to mind. The playlist itself
allowed me to notice that the music I enjoy often has deeper meaning within the
words. I believe that the song, “I Hold On” by Dierks Bentley, captures a lot
of my personal beliefs. I feel that the song describes many sides of my
character. The rest of the playlist is compiled of songs from my childhood,
songs I like to party to, and songs that make me think.

           After this week, I have found
authenticity in social media. The tweets, photos, and songs I have shared give
a small look inside my personality and my lifestyle. I hope others can see
this, too!