I might be the only one, but when I heard about the social media assignment, I was excited. I mean, who doesn’t want to take control of the class’s account and post anything of interest?! When I happened to run into three classmates–Chris, Chris, and Ryan–at the Garage one Thursday, I needed to document it, knowing that it was almost my turn to post on our class accounts. Taking that photo and putting it on the Instagram was just a blessing. Now, I am really enjoying my modified assignment of finding everyone in the class and taking photos with them for the Instagram. Yes, maybe it’s a little creepy, but I am having fun. I found Tim at Mac and Jacqueline at a Bar/Restaurant, so far. This project is especially fun to me because I’m learning about myself more every day how much I LOVE people.
Besides the Instagram account, I’m authoring myself authentically through my Spotify playlist and my tweets. My playlist is confusingly diverse. Of course, there are songs that help portray my view on life: It’s Not Right For You -The Script, Chances -Five for Fighting, Change -Tracy Chapman, Even if it Breaks Your Heart -Eli Young Band, and 100 Years -Five for Fighting. These songs are on my playlist because they really capture the way I think; I love life, and I think everyone should make the absolute most of it. Then, I put songs on that I listen to when I’m moody and sad. By looking through my music and being forced to pick songs that represent me, I’ve realized how multidimensional I am. It would be impossible to fully author myself through a 25 song playlist, but I like the idea of the project to get the thoughts flowing. As for the twitter: I hope that people take the time to check it out! The article by Malcolm Gladwell, especially, is really interesting and good for anyone struggling in school to read for support (including me)!
Overall, this weeklong project is great. I thoroughly enjoyed trying to author myself over social media, and I hope that everyone else takes the time to enjoy it and learn about themselves when their week arrives. xoxo