crust blogs.

Besides never using a twitter,
listening to spotify, or writing a blog post, I came into this assignment very
well prepared. (I have a instagram and I post sometimes—my picture count is
approaching double digits.) Even with my thorough preparations, however, I was
still worried going into the assignment… What if I seem like a total newbie on twitter?
What if the class pulls up my blog post on the projector during class, read it
aloud, and then points and laughs at me? I might have to transfer schools! Or
worse, just go to BU where I would be accepted. Ah. In my mind, so many things
could go wrong. Nevertheless, I knew that if I didn’t do the assignment, I’d
disappoint Professor Barta, which was a thought that I couldn’t bear to live

I started off the assignment with
the spotify playlist. I listen to music regularly and spotify is pretty user-friendly,
so I thought it would be a good transition into this previously unknown online
world. Feeling clever, I decided to just pull up my itunes and use songs from
my “25 most-played” list. Immediately, it was clear that this wouldn’t work. It
was full of mid 90’s gangster rap… not exactly the music you want to email to
your English teacher. However, because of this, I had look back into some bands
that I had almost forgotten I loved.  

Next came the twitter, which was
easier than I expected. I just posted relevant material here and there. Nobody
has commented saying that my posts are irrelevant or stupid, so I guess I’m
doing all right. I even got to post a Will Farrell video, which makes my heart
warm because I think he is hilarious. I hope it made your heart warm as well. 

The instagram was probably the
hardest part for me, which is why I waited until the end to do it (never a good
idea). I couldn’t think of a story that I wanted to tell! And with 4-6
pictures? Ugh, I post 4-6 pictures in a year! Demanding that much creativity of
me in such a short period of time seemed unreasonable. I quickly realized that
thinking of four posts as an unreasonable amount of posts was the only
unreasonable thing in the situation. I sucked it up and looked through my
camera roll to find some a story I could use. Luckily, I wear overalls a lot. 

Writing the blog post was really a
great way to sum everything together. I’m not used to expressing myself through
writing or social media. However, getting thrown into it and then reflecting
through a blog post was the best way to get involved that I can think of. I
didn’t have any epiphanies or suddenly understand myself because of the
assignment, but it has been one of my favorite assignments of the year, and I
hope I get to do one again!

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