Samantha reflects

Like the rest of the class, I was not so sure about this
project. First of all, the only “social media” that I own is Facebook. I do not
have twitter, instagram, snapchat, or any other fancy social apps on my phone.
Although I always check my Facebook, I am hardly ever active. I never post any
statuses or add many pictures on my profile. Every time I do upload any updates
on my life, I think long and hard about it before I decide to post it. Posting
a picture of myself or updating a status is definitely cringeworthy for me.
Hence, this project was incredibly difficult.

I didn’t know how to use twitter and instagram. It was
rather foreign to me.  I was a
little embarrassed to ask people how to use them, so it took me a while to figure
things out. However, the problems didn’t end there. I had to ask myself, “What
in the world do I post here?” every time I opened the apps. I never read the
news, I don’t go to the BC games, and I don’t live on campus. Not living on
campus already takes away a lot of the “college” experiences. The same thing
happens to me everyday: I meet the same people, eat the same food, and do the
same things. Those things happen to be just siting in front
of my books and computer at home. I
couldn’t post about that…

This week I had to force myself to go out and explore. It
was absolutely dreadful. I’m not much of an outdoorsy person so going outside
and being adventurous was not my cup of tea. Friends? We’re all usually pretty
busy and stressed about hw and midterms so I don’t get to officially meet them
until Friday most of the time. Being an extrovert is just so hard.

Posting things about class related topics were also harder
this week. We mostly only focused on our paper and it was basically just an
individual assignment. No articles or readings to forward or counter to…

The only thing I enjoyed was creating the playlist. I love
listening to classical music, k-pop, folk, and instrumentals, so incorporating
all of these beautiful genres to a playlist was a very relaxing process.

This project was interesting but it definitely forced me out
of my comfort zone. The feeling of discomfort every time I posted something was
unpleasant, but at least I had the chance to experience such occurrences. Would
I continue with these social medias? No. Would I remember this project for the
rest of my life? Yes.