face it, I don’t think anyone was entirely excited to be running the class’s
Instagram and Twitter for the week. “Authoringbc” may not be popular in the
realm of social media, but it is still a lot of pressure to have your project
viewed by the public instantly. Personally, I don’t like the direction social
media is going, but I think Media Account Week has helped show me that Twitter
and Instagram could still be used for good.
was honestly a lot of fun. I’ve never used Instagram, so when I was asked to
make a personalized theme I was baffled. Since my Media Account Week was over
Spring Break, I thought it would be unique to showcase the places my friends at
Boston College and I visited over the week. I tried to have everyone include
something BC in their pictures in an effort to exemplify a “BConBreak” feeling.
I’m glad I was able to incorporate my friends in this part of the project, as
the final edition felt very coherent and unifying.
be honest, I struggled with Twitter. Not only am I not an avid Twitter user,
but the suggestions for posting on Twitter were hard to implement over Spring
Break. I couldn’t reflect on articles we studied, or talk about tangents in
class. Instead, I focused on posting quotes, articles and things I simply found interesting. It’s amazing how much you can
express in 140 characters.
Spotify playlist came the most naturally to me. My playlist is a conglomerate
of music that represents me in my entirety. It’s mostly rap, indie, and
alternative, with a sprinkle of electronic and classical. There really is no
coherent theme to the playlist: songs will relax me, anger me, focus me, or
pump me up. My goal to the playlist is to send the listener on an emotional
rollercoaster, to get the audience uncertain of what’s next to come.
Overall, the assignment was not as dreadful as I
expected. I generally struggle with creativity, which I thought embodied Media
Account Week as a whole. However, the project was more about the individual. I
learned that when forced into Social Media, you are not simply connecting with
the online world, but rather you are expressing yourself in a unique image.