jacqueline curates

week I had the privilege of being the class’s MC. Although I consider myself
fairly active on social media, I was interested to see how I could challenge
myself by engaging in new ways. I was nervous because I don’t typically post
too often on my own accounts. Normally, I observe more than I post as a way to
see what my friends and family are doing rather than share updates about
myself. Nonetheless, I thought that doing the class’s accounts allowed me to
have a fresh perspective and analyze social media in a different way.

found the Twitter account to be the most unusual of the social media outlets. I
do not have a personal Twitter account, and I was interested to see how it
would work. I decided to do multiple posts in one day in true Twitter live-feed
fashion. It’s something I would never do on my own accounts. I have often heard
of people and celebrities live-tweeting nearly every aspect of their day. I
cannot fathom using social media to that extent, but I was willing to
experiment posting multiple times to test it out. Truthfully, I did not enjoy
it. I felt that my attention became too focused on the page and not the world
around me.

the Instagram account, I stuck to the traditional posting once a day. I thought
the idea of telling a story through pictures was quite interesting. The
audience may need to look through the pictures after they have all been posted
to understand the flow, but the concept remains very intriguing. I had never
used Instagram to tell a story before, but I’m interested in trying it again to
see how complex the story could become. Instagram is my favorite form of social
media, and I was surprised to see that this project uncovered an entirely new
way of using it.

thought that creating the Spotify playlist was wonderful as well. My taste in
music spans across a variety of genres and moods, and I think that would need to
be expressed in a movie about my life. I hope the playlist I created allows for
a dynamic view of my experiences. I also really enjoyed listening to the
playlists of other class members. I found some new songs to listen to that I
had not heard before, and I also heard some songs that were personal favorites
of mine already.

I thought the project was an interactive way of allowing me to expand my
thoughts on social media and its uses in our society. I am glad that we were
assigned this project, and I am also appreciative that my week was right before
the beginning of my rhetorical analysis on social media. This project allowed
me to essentially further my research for that essay, and I am thankful for
that experience as well.

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