Social media is an interesting creation. I have always found
the entire medium boring and only used to procrastinate when I am doing
homework or to hide from awkward social encounters, which seem to happen a lot.
I rarely engage with my audience through my social media, but keep to myself
through reading articles or watching videos. I shared my experience with social
media by posting relevant articles or videos to our class that I found
interesting and funny. A true first hand experience of what it is like to live
my life through social media. Instagram was a different perspective where I
choose to depict a day in my life, taking pictures wherever I went. This
represents living my life through social media, which is something lots of people
do with their constant status updates with what they are doing or pictures of
where they find themselves in that time. Both of these uses of social media are
something I rarely do. It was much easier to use social media without my name
attached to it and with guidelines given as to how I should go about my
adventures on social media. I believe this may be due to my formulaic nature. I
enjoy when things are spelled out clearly as opposed to being abstract and
finding myself deciding how to go about something. This is not to say I lack a
creative vigor or I am simply a mindless follower, but I do enjoy some guidance
when it comes to things I am not familiar with. Social media is something
foreign to me and using it more often than I normally do was a beneficial
experience. I think it will allow me to share things more fervently with my
audience on social media and be more outgaining with things I enjoy. I don’t
think I will become a social media proponent anytime soon, but I’ll be sure to
use it in a more productive way than hiding from an awkward conversation at a