griffin curates

My experiences this week with “the Keys to the Kingdom” of the BC First Year Writing Seminar social media accounts have been quite interesting.  I got started a little late with my curatorship, as I had an ungodly amount of work this week, but the last couple of days, whether I have been making my *fire* playlist on Spotify, taking pictures of my travels in Boston, or specifically today, posting words of wisdom to the Twittersphere, I have enjoyed my ability to be in charge.  My personal week has been all about me, and it has been enjoyable making my mark, but at the same time, it has been even more enjoyable looking through my classmates posts.  To be perfectly honest, I have not been a die-hard follower of the class accounts up until now, and so as I have been looking through everyone else’s weeks, searching for inspiration, most of it is new to me.  As such, it has been an excellent experience to see all of the different views and experiences that were shared.  And in that, I believe, is the true value of the week, and the assignment.  Each of us are given the same basic guidelines, how to post, what to post, ect., but each of us went about it in a very different way.  Each of us was able to curate with our authentic self, each of us was able to follow the guidelines in a way that reflects who each of us really are, and when everything is put together, it is a big audio-visual-textual collage of who the 3:00 Tuesday-Thursday First Year Writing Seminar class is.   In addition to this element, I also enjoyed the ability to post in different mediums.  I felt that, as a curator of the account, it was an excellent experience to be able to not only express, for example, my tastes in music, but also my day in the city, and my thoughts on Twitter.  It is a very complete sort of authentic self that I was able to give off, including various different parts of me, and in that way, it was more authentic than just being able to do one thing, no matter how completely.  All in all, my time as the curator of the account has been a valuable and well spent experience.