Freedom. That is what comes to mind as I reflect on my week as a curator for the Media Account Project. To be honest, this past week has been a huge blur due to the flurry of social events, organization meetings, and homework that I am sure most of us are still trying to get through. With all of these stressors in mind, it is important to acknowledge and take advantage of the resources that our generation has been gifted with: social media! I want to say that I have enjoyed taking control of our class’s social media accounts – Twitter and Instagram are definitely platforms I constantly use to express my thoughts and share some of my creativity with the rest of the world. While I have dabbled with social media for nearly my entire life, I cannot say that Instagram is my forte. I am such a perfectionist that it pains me to post photos that I did not spend hours taking or editing; that is pretty much why I have only ever posted less than 100 Instagram photos and stick to Twitter for the most part! Manning the class accounts opened me up to sharing with the class what I see, think, and feel throughout a 7-day period as well as get insight on how others respond to what I post. Spotify, on the other hand, allowed me to express how I feel through a different medium: music. While music is not necessarily universal in all forms of the word, it is in the fact that music evokes feelings no matter who you are. My Spotify playlist not only gave others a look into my life, but also connected to the emotions that we all feel at some point in our lives. In short, taking the reins of the media accounts gave me a glimpse of how much of an impact technology has in our daily lives – the fact that we are more mentally and emotionally interconnected than we have ever been makes me incredibly excited to share my knowledge and passions with others down the road.