(D’onta has had persistent technical difficulties, so I’m posting this blog for him!).
Mr. Foreman, a playlist by d33.foreman on Spotify
This week I was in a lot of pain from the hard fought game played in Dallas against Oklahoma this past weekend. I tried to relax sunday and let my body heal but I was still dealing with an injury from the previous game that had gotten even more banged up during the Oklahoma game. I knew that Monday would start the worst school week I’ve had all year. I had to do volunteer hours on Monday after class which lead to me not receiving my weekly massage I normally get on Monday’s. By the time I made it to my room, I didn’t understand why I was still feeling terrible, but I remembered that I didn’t get my massage for the day. Tuesday starts our week of practice and I also had a 5 page paper I had to have turned in by Wednesday for my Black Lives Matter class. I had briefly started on it but I had been so tied up that I wasn’t able to really work on it like I would have liked to. Tuesday night I had to make sure that the paper was done and ready to be turned in so I was up up throughout the night making sure it was prepared the proper way. That morning I had to be up by 7:30 for my normal Wednesday workout, which had me extremely tired and mentally drained. Once I was done with weights,class,study hall, and practice, I still had another major task in front of me. I had another 1200 word paper to write for my Rhetoric which was do on Thursday by 11:00 O’Clock. I was so drained from the night before that I kept falling asleep in the middle of writing my paper. I was about until about 2:30 A.M. writing before I just totally passed out without finishing the paper. I realized that morning that i had not finished my paper so I took my laptop with me to my first class Thursday morning and finished it up in there. This was a week of school I’ll never forget.
I can only imagine the workload you have between being a football player and a student! On top of that, you’re the leading rusher in the BIG 12, which is a very impressive accomplishment. It’s still pretty cool to tell my friends that you’re in my class whenever we watch the games and you score a touchdown or rip off a big run. Sometimes I joke around and tell them “Yoo I’m gonna tell D’onta congrats on that big run at 7 minutes and 29 seconds in the 3rd quarter!!” I wish I could get a weekly massage too, but I wouldn’t really think I deserve something like that for the amount of work I do each work relative to you. I hope you get rested up, and keep on eating out there on the field.
I really need to congratulate you D’onta. I knew a little about how crazy busy it can be being an athlete, but not to this extent. I’m sure a lot of people don’t understand how much you give back to the university. You’re a really great player and I’m glad you were able to complete your assignments on time. I’m sorry your week didn’t go as planned and you missed out on your very much needed massage. Honestly, you’re an amazing football player and I feel kinda cool having you in a class. Thanks for really trying in our class and not giving up on your responsibilities! Go D’onta!
I think it’s really amazing that you can do all of this at once. I’ve seen firsthand how hard it is to juggle athletics and school but I can never actually imagine doing it myself. Anyways, I hope you ended up getting your massage. Supposedly those massages aren’t as soothing as we’d think. I heard they actually hurt a little because they are really trying to make sure they loosen you up. Keep doing what you’re doing though! You have a super bright future ahead of you so just keep that in mind when you get overwhelmed like you were. It’ll all be worth it in the end!!!
Wow! Your week sounds like it was really stressful. I can only imagine how hard it is to balance being a college athlete and a student. I attended the Oklahoma game in Dallas and thought the team played great. I’m sorry that you were suffering from an injury and were not able to relax much after the hard game. Being exhausted makes it really hard to find the motivation and time to complete school work, but you were able to do it! My roommate is in the Black Lives Matter class and was having to write the same paper. It sounded like it was a lot of work. Anyway, I hope these next couple of weeks will be less stressful for you and you can overcome your injury!!
It sounds like you had a crazy week man but you must feel glad that it’s over. I can’t imagine having to juggle the extra stress of football practices and team events on top of your normal course schedule. I think it’s pretty awesome to say that I have D’onta Foreman in a class, and every time they say your name on Tv or show a highlight I always say something to my friends about “there goes my classmate.” This season has probably been tough for you guys, playing so hard but not getting the results you want. Just keep focusing on you and not pay attention to the people who might be doubting the team. Good luck the rest of the season and hook em!
Wow. I thought my week was hard. I’ve heard how hard it is to be a college athlete, but hearing a play by play of a week like that is terrifying. I can barely make it to my 9am, and can’t wrap my head around trying to make it to a workout 2 hours before that. I can only imagine how physically and mentally exhausted weeks like that must be, but you’re killing it.
I want to start off by saying I’m so proud of how hard you and the entire football team played in Oklahoma; you guys did not go down without a fight! A ton of my friends play sports at other universities, so I’ve always understood that it’s no breeze. However, I now have a better understanding of the ‘behind the scenes’ of our football team. I know it must be so hard to juggle both schoolwork with your tedious practices, but I believe in you!!! Keep your resiliency and focus going!
Wow. That must have been a rough week. I can’t even imagine what it must be like for a student-athlete. I have heard many different testimonials from previous student-athletes such as Richard Sherman and some previous University of Texas at Austin athletes. In the end of the day, all this hard work will pay off. Hope you stay strong throughout the semester/season. Pulling for you to get nominated for Heisman.