Working Hard

I must say that this week has not been the best week, but it did have some uplifting moments to it. The week started off smoothly with classes going well, meetings going by quickly, and even following my schedule routinely. It was not until Wednesday when I started to panic due to my MIS class. There were about six total assignments that were all due by Sunday. It was extremely overwhelming. Two quizzes, two interactive assignments, and two other excel assignments were given out to be completed within a short period of time. Luckily, I was able to grind everything out and finish most of the assignments. I still have some left to do after I write this blog assignment. In addition to all these assignments, I also had a very tough exam on Friday, which did not go so well for me. Taking eighteen hours this semester really is tough to deal with, but I guess this is college and we all just have to stick through it all. Although the week had some tough moments, there were a handful of bright events that really lifted me up. Recently I have been in the recruiting process for many different companies. With that said, I have been getting very many call backs from companies for first round interviews. Also, I have been invited back for a second round interview from all of the companies that I have already interviewed for. It definitely is hard to balance recruiting and school, but the outcome is the reason why we work so hard. Recruiting is really making me understand that your results are based on how hard you try and in order to get what we want, we all have to try hard in school. Therefore, even though this week hasn’t been the best, it really has made me realize why we put in the work.

One thought on “Working Hard

  1. Your week sounded extremely stressful. It must be hard balancing class work and interviews, especially because you’re taking 18 hours!I’m glad your week got better, it seems like your hard work is paying off, great job.

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