This past week has been a very interesting one. I was actually a little less busy and had time to get some other things done. On Halloween night I was able to finish most of my homework so I could catch the firework show for Dia de Los Muertos. It was my first time hearing that Austin had this show every year for the holiday. It was really nice to see families gathered to end the night of trick or treating with a beautiful firework show. It was great to start off my week this way. The next day it hit me that I actually had a lot of assignments due very soon, so again the stress was back. I had a ULN meeting Thursday that required me to stay on campus for an extra 5 hours. Unfortunately, I completely forgot to check my weather app and it started pouring after class on Thursday. I had to either run across campus, get soaked and stay soaked until I went home or I had the chance to run to the bus and miss my ULN meeting. So clearly I decided to skip the meeting so I could stay dry and not get sick again. I started thinking that my good week start was started to go bad. I confirmed this when I got an email from my research lab manager stated that she needed to talk to me about something serious. I started to panic. I didn’t know what I could have done, but I knew I didn’t want to see my Lab manager. Sadly I had to be in the Lab on Friday and she told me what had happened. Apparently, I had messed up some data collecting which caused the results of their study to be incorrect. Although my lab manager was understanding, I still felt guilty. She assured me that I could re-do the files and then everything would be ok.
Even though my week started off amazing, it ended badly. Usually, you would expect the opposite. Friday’s are supposed to be awesome, not sucky. Hopefully, I have a way better week and don’t screw up any important lab results.
Sounds like a hectic week! I was thinking the same thing (that weeks usually start off badly and get better) but I’m sorry you had such a stressful week! At least you had a good halloween. I also failed to check the weather Thursday morning and got caught in the rain after class. I was absolutely drenched by the time I got home.
I’m so sorry you had such a stressful week! I completely understand that feeling of dread over potentially bad news! Once one thing goes wrong, it feels like every thing else is going wrong too. It’s important to remember that tomorrow is another day! I’m glad you were able to offset your difficult week with some happy festivities. I had no idea there was a firework show for Dia De Los Muertos, every year. I love fireworks, and I will definitely check it out next year. Thanks for the recommendation!
Cause you had a bad day, you’re taking one down, you sing a sad song just to turn it around…
You know the rest! I’m sorry to hear that your week went from good to worse. Sometimes the song “rain rain go away, come again another day” is very relevant. Personally, I am really bad about bringing my umbrella around campus. Seeing that it is raining right now outside, I think it’s a good sign that I will need it more frequently in the coming weeks.
I do wonder though, how many of my weeks in a year went from good to worse, and vise versa. I don’t think there would be any patterns, but it would be interesting to analyze.
I’m so sorry you had such a stressful week! I completely understand that feeling of dread over potentially bad news! Once one thing goes wrong, it feels like every thing else is going wrong too. It’s important to remember that tomorrow is another day! I’m glad you were able to offset your difficult week with some happy festivities. I had no idea there was a firework show for Dia De Los Muertos, every year. I love fireworks, and I will definitely check it out next year. Thanks for the recommendation!
I understand how you feel when you say Monday’s rule, Friday’s suck. Sometimes the week can start off great then by the end of the week, you feel completely exhausted and stressed out. I think that this is the busiest time for every one this semester so do not beat yourself up about the mistake you made! I have made plenty throughout my semesters at this university. I experienced the rain on campus that week too. It was not exciting to say the least. Although your week did not end well, I am glad you enjoyed the firework show. That sounds like a great way to celebrate the holiday!
I can definitely relate to this post, because I very clearly remember how hard it rained on this day! After stopping at Chickfila after rhetoric class, I had to walk all the way from the Union to Belmont (located in the football stadium) for my next class, and it poured on me the entire time. My small umbrella was no match for the rain and my whole body got drenched, including my shoes and backpack. As you can tell, I was not very happy! Sometimes we all have weeks like the one you described, but the important thing is we have to remember that everything will work itself out in the end. Hang in there and finish the semester strong!
I think it is so cool that you were able to find a fireworks display on Halloween. I had no idea that Austin had a fireworks display for a holiday that most people just associate with free candy. Sorry the rest of your week wasn’t that great, but I hope the memory of the fireworks show helped you get through it!
I can’t imagine what that must have felt like! I’m glad you chose to stay dry rather than go to your meeting! I am also glad that you were able to re-do the data, although I know what it feels like to feel a bit guilty. Hopefully the rest of your semester has been a little better. I know we are entering finals week so I wish you the best in these last few weeks of school. Remember, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!! Hook’em!
Things happen girl! I’m sure you feel bad about messing up the data now, but in the future you’ll look back on it as a learning experience. It might save you an even bigger mistake in the future. But I hope you had a better week after and have not gotten sick since. Things are really starting to get cold so stay dry!
I definitely agree with you on how the beginning of your week can be awesome, but the ending can be shaky. I’ve had a number of those throughout this semester especially in regards to tests being on Friday. I must say thought that being able to rest up on Saturday help me get through them.
Wow, this sounds rough. It seems like one of those weeks where you can never catch a break no matter what. On the bright side, it was something you could fix and you made it through the week! I actually got caught in the rain walking home as well. Everything was soaked, shoes and all. Hopefully you have better weeks moving forward!
I’m definitely on the same page as you in terms of stress! I feel as though suddenly realizing the amount of work you have due soon is something that we all feel, and while it’s scary at times, it’s also hilarious because we’re all in the same boat. I know that this is a late comment, but I hope that you didn’t “screw up any important lab results”! Hopefully your semester has gotten better!
As I read your blog post, I felt as thought you were telling my experience but with different words. I remember earlier this semester when it had rained and I had to run from place to place in the rain on campus because of registration. Ended up being completely soaked as well.