What a Week

This week as media curator was a lot of fun! It was a different experience that I have not had in any of my other classes. I was able to show my peers a glimpse of my life through social media. My week was extremely busy, but I managed to keep up with the Instagram, Twitter, and Spotify. It was different to use Twitter so frequently because I usually never get on mine, but I was quickly reminded of how entertaining it is. The week was an interesting one with the 2016 election. I stayed up until two in the morning to see who would be serving our country for the next four years. I also saw an overload of memes and tweets about the candidates and how people were feeling because of it. Despite the results and the following few days, my weekend ended up getting a lot better. My friend’s and I really had the chance to explore Austin and even had the opportunity to go to New Braunsfels Friday night. We attended Wurstfest, a German festival, and got a taste of a different culture. They served German beer and tons of bratwurst Saturday was great because my parents came in town, and we got to enjoy the game together. It was exciting to watch some of my classmates play against West Virginia. It was a tough game but it was obvious that they were giving it their all. Sunday was not as exciting because I had to work on a committee for my sorority from nine A.M. to eight P.M. We spent the entire day at the AT&T center sorting through hundreds of papers and votes. It was awesome to get to have a role in choosing our new chapter’s president, vice president, and other positions, but it was also very exhausting. Overall, my curator week and weekends was a great one, and I am so glad that I was able to take the reins for my class.

9 thoughts on “What a Week

  1. Loved reading about your week! I’m having a similar experience with being media curator. I don’t use social media as much, especially twitter, so I’m still getting used to posting and tweeting so frequently! I’m enjoying the learning process:) It’s interesting reading about your experience of being media curator during election week. There was so much buzz on social media, it was hard for me to sift through which posts were helpful in dealing with the election, and which did more harm than good! I’m glad your weekend in New Braunsfels cheered you up:)

  2. Wow, that’s a handful to deal with. I’m glad you were able to attend Wurstfest. I attend every year as well. I must say that it’s a lot of fun with german food and drinks! It’s always important to let loose once in a while to feel relieved from everything that is going on. Wurstfest is an awesome way to fulfill that.

  3. That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to go to Wursfest! Thank you for sharing! I will definitely try to make it next year it sounds like so much fun! It sounds like your week so so eventful! A week of Elections, Wursfest, your sorority, your parents visit I can imagine how exciting that must have been! It’s awesome that you got the chance to be curator during that time! Thanks for sharing!

  4. You are probably one of the first to write about something different in their blog post. Usually, we all talk about school mainly, but you included much more than that. I have always wanted to go to Wurstfest, but my best friends never want to drive. I do know theirs more than just drinking beer too which is nice. I’m glad your parents were also able to come visit. I’m from Houston and my parents rarely have time to come over, so it’s totally fine with me. Hope the rest of ypur weeks have been going this great too!

  5. You’re so awesome for involving yourself in the election so much. A lot of us (including myself) just like to watch how things play out but I love how you took on an active role. And the German festival sounds awesome. I really need to get out and do more things in ATX. I wish I could’ve asked you earlier how you find out about these events. I never know what’s going on until it’s too late. I just have to be more active about finding out the information.

  6. Your week sounded extremely busy. It’s nice that you were able to make time for family and friends while staying involve on campus. Its really cool that you got to watch the game with your parents also. I’ve been wanting to get my parents tickets to one of the games, but haven’t gotten the chance to. I really enjoyed reading your blog post!

  7. I’m so jealous that you were able to attend Wurstfest! I don’t know if that’s because I love everything I’ve heard about the event or the fact that I’m STARVING while typing this…Anyway, I’m sorry that you had such a stressful week. However, I’m sure that all of the events that you participated in really made your media curator week more interesting than others!

  8. I found it funny how this election was the first in which all those around me actually stayed up for the election. In fact, the only reason I ever used twitter was because of the election. I wish I knew about that German festival or I definitely would’ve loved to go. That would have been a great place to get my mind of the election results.

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