Slide the light off you may find some peace

My week as a curator began with a picture of a cool floor quote I happened to find during my time in New York this past September. The quote read: Slide the light off you may find some peace. I only saw this graffiti because I was looking down at my phone and happened to glimpse at it. It hit me. I’m visiting a wonderful city, why would I need my phone out? Along with the picture, I tweeted a video that reminds people about the importance of living in the presence and minimizing the distraction of media in our world. Although I agree to some extent, I think that finding a perfect balance between living with a phone stuck to your palm or a phone that’s always forgotten is the best way to live. In my attempt to represent this challenge during my week as curator, I decided to make my posts on instagram and twitter informational, entertaining, and hopefully show you all a little bit of who I am. I also attempted to create a method of media/classroom interaction through a snapchat filter for the class that asked students to write a six word memoir of their day so far. I had a great time sharing about my vacations, the inevitable coffee picture of my harry potter cappuccino, a wonderful slam poetry video, and a local exhibition going on in our city. To end this week and to share a little bit more of who I am, I have pasted a link to my spotify playlist for the class. Hope you enjoy!

Sofia Carballar