Final Say

To be honest, I no idea what to expect from this class at the beginning of the semester. I was curious about how exactly it would relate to the iPhone and if it would be any different from the typical writing course we’ve all taken. It turned out to be far from a typical English writing course. Ms. Barta always made the class interesting and informative and it was a class I always looked forward to attending. The course work allowed us the option to choose what we wanted to write about in each of the major papers throughout the semester and this made it much easier and more enjoyable to learn and effectively complete our assignments. In addition, the way in which Ms. Barta planned our assignments compelled us to engage fully in a complete and effective writing process and allowed for us to revise and develop our work over time before handing in the final paper. I learned a lot about myself as writer, and gained a whole new perspective on the importance of authorship in writing. Overall, I really enjoyed and learned a great deal from this course and believe it is a beneficial class that most students would enjoy.

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