Final Say

Reflecting back on my experience in Ms. Barta’s class, rhetoric of the IPhone, I realize that I was able to learn a lot about myself and advance in my writing. Unlike typical college courses, the class allowed me and my peers to be creative and write about things that we enjoy. The assignments are interesting and really made me think. I learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. It was very different compared to courses I have taken before, and I really enjoyed how engaging it was. My classes are usually large and do not allow me to get to know my classmates, but this one made that possible. At first I was nervous about participating in such a small class, but it really helped me break out of my shell and get to know people that I would have never gotten the chance to. As a future student, I recommend taking advantage of this and being an active participant in this class. The work load is not too heavy, but it is vital to stay on top of it all and stay up to date with the daily work. Ms. Barta is always there to help with the writing process and any other needs. I loved how I could go to her when I was stuck or needed more help with an assignment. Overall this course, was one of my favorites, and I really enjoyed its uniqueness. I would recommend the course to any student who is interested in taking a writing course.

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