Final Say- SC

Most of us came to this school expecting challenging and unique courses. In my case, this environment was just as scary as it was exciting. I knew that trying my best was not an option and so I mentally prepared myself to follow the rules, stick to the instructions, fear failure, and unfortunately (and possibly uniquely to my courses) feel like I needed to think & stay inside the box. Even though most of my classes required formulas, Rhetoric of the iPhone had no such thing. In fact, this class gave us a destination with limited direction and having to figure out my own route started off as a challenge. Taking a course like this one is definitely a great college experience. Being able challenge yourself to write in ways you’ve never written before was way more exciting when you got to do it without feeling like you’ll fail because of it. Professor Barta gives genuine and positive feedback as well as constructive criticism with possible solutions to your mistakes. Make sure to pick topics that are interesting to you because those will help you generate the best pieces of writing. Another suggestion is to take your arguments into the real world. Find examples of what your writing about and try to see if it applies to your every-day lives. This will not only help you understand your writing better, but it will also help you explain it more clearly. If you feel like your other courses limit your space for creativity, don’t take this class for granted.

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