Media Curator – Sanjeet Hattarki

Happy Sunday Everyone,


Yes, I procrastinated hard for this blog post as it is Sunday at 5pm as I am writing this. But y’all get that the first couple weeks of the semester are stressful, right?

As one of the curators for this week, I really tried to be funny, relevant and somewhat stereotypical (demonstrating what an average student posts about). On Instagram, I posted what was happening in my life – from sitting in class and studying to interesting things or people I met. I even threw in a “transformation” post because everyone and their mothers make posts like this (I was going to use my face and not my shoes but I look the exact same as when I was young). When it comes to Twitter, which I see and just a stream of consciousness about trending topics, I couldn’t shake our politics out of my head. So much is going on, there is so much outrage and misunderstanding that is dividing America and I believe that talking and commenting about it is our civic duty. I tried to be more funny than serious, while still getting my message across. The thing that saddens me is that so many smart, capable people do not want to talk about politics and they just choose to ignore the news out of fear for their views will be ridiculed – or even worse, they have no opinion at all. I have had so many friends that refuse to follow news because it makes them so upset. There is so much to talk about: the media and propaganda, women’s rights, foreign nuclear capabilities, election interference, PC culture, student loans, wealth inequality, climate change, populism and much more. Learn and listen to both sides of the issues, spreading hate or belittling those who you disagree with only creates more division. It is so easy to ignore these things, but, especially as young people, these problems will be inherited to us and finding solutions begins now, not when shit has already hit the fan and the whole room is brown and everyone has pink-eye.

Sorry about that tangent, I’ll reign it in. I tried to be a trend-setter and make my playlist on apple music. I picked about 8 songs from my high school days and the rest are from my time in college. Unfortunately, I did not include all my favorite songs, but I tried to have at least one song from each of my favorite artists. If you like hip-hop and quality musical production give my playlist a listen.


Hope y’all didn’t hate my tweets,

Sanjeet Hattarki

5 thoughts on “Media Curator – Sanjeet Hattarki

  1. Hi, Sanjeet,
    The first week media curator always feels a certain pressure, I think, to restart this project, and I liked how you redirected that energy throughout the assignment. “Trying to be a trendsetting” seems to aptly describe your week! I enjoyed your tweets and blog the most, as I had harder time piecing together a narrative or week’s thought from your Instagram post. Thanks for remaking your playlist so I could listen to it!

  2. Hi Sanjeet,

    I wanted to comment on how significant your perspective on this blog about politics in social media still is. The way in which people react and handle this types of news through their social profiles is going to be especially relevant for a long time and it is good to start noticing it now.


  3. Hi Sanjeet,

    I liked how you took a different route than me when I was media curator. My posts were kind of just reminders or pictures of the outdoors, so it is interesting to see the diversity between our two weeks. I really enjoyed your Spotify playlist and the hip-hop songs that were on it!


  4. Hi Sanjeet,

    I’m glad that you decided to use your week to talk about what really matters in the world! I agree that people decide to just ignore certain topics, but some things (most things) should not be ignored!I appreciate how you used this platform to create a voice and speak out about things that we should know about and don’t often pay as much attention to as we should.


  5. Haha I love how even though we don’t have much work to do, we somehow end up procrastinating more than we do in the middle of the semester. I agree that ignoring certain topics because people don’t want to hear them is not a good thing!


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