Week 5 Curator

Hey guys, what a week it has been. I loved every second of being the media curator for our beautiful class, and especially loved creating what I consider to be the greatest playlist of all time. This 201 song epic that is a whopping 14 hour 17 minutes of pure magic. As a man who loves rhythm and poetry, the playlist is mainly a culmination of the collective brain trust I call my friends. We sat around for about an hour and a half going through as many contemporary rappers we could think of and we really hope you enjoy both lyrical finesse and bass bangers. In short spurts we also included songs from various other genres, spanning country, EDM, R&B, and Indie rock. I really hope everyone takes some time out of their day to check out this playlist, titled Media Curator RIP, because I really think there is something in there for everyone to enjoy. Beyond spotify, twitter is my personal social media of choice and I really enjoyed sending out tweets throughout the week and during and class. I really had to restrain my use from my usual 140 character tirades, but it was still an incredibly fun and enjoyable experience. I added some personal flair to the page to the point where I think you could identify my tweets without even seeing my signature at the end. We also got a new twitter Avi during my brief tenure which I am extremely proud of. As for Instagram, I’m not much of a picture taker so I just threw up our group picture and some pictures from my visit to the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston a weekend ago! If you’ve never been to the MFA I would highly suggest it. It’s not just a bunch of weird brush strokes on canvas, but a historical collection of artistic expression crossing millenniums of human existence. I wish I could do this for all my classes, thanks guys!

6 thoughts on “Week 5 Curator

  1. Hi, Zach,
    Thanks for initiating the group picture change! It’s always nice to have a fresh representation of the class, and was a fun way to connect our class to the history of each class that’s come before.

    I’ve been the MFAH many times, so it was fun to “see” the museum through your eyes.

    I am missing your Spotify playlist link. Perhaps it simply got broken?

    In terms of your blog, I enjoyed you discussing your week, though it would have been easier to follow (at least for me) if your post had more developed paragraphs / followed standardized rules for punctuation, capitalization, etc. That was a distraction.

  2. Zach!
    That’s a pretty cool 14 hour and 17 minute playlist you got there! There are a lot of pretty cool throwback songs I haven’t heard in a while! I thought your tweets were pretty funny and thought it was cool that you got everyone to take a class picture hahah! Since you are in my writing group I had to say what’s up back!

    -Ana 🙂

  3. Hi Zach,

    I must say like most people that i really enjoyed your playlist. But as for Instagram i have to wonder if this assignment with encourage you to start taking more pictures… Most of the time when i take pictures i say to myself is this pointless, what am i going to do with this photo.. it won’t go anywhere… but this assignment allowed me to put use to these photos!

  4. Zach,

    I’m glad you updated the picture. That’s big-time.

    But seriously, I think you did one of the best jobs with the Twitter account. A lot of personality came through, which is a good thing. I’d like to see your 140-character tirades.

    I won’t comment on whether your playlist is truly the greatest of all time, but it’s awesome that you put so much into it. I’m glad I’m not the only one to go overboard (in a good way) with it.

    Overall, I think you did one of the best jobs with this project. Keep up the good work!


  5. Zach,

    Loved your Twitter posts! And like you said, your way with words made it easy to identify whether a Tweet was yours or not. I also loved your diverse Spotify playlist which has a whopping 201 songs that would keep me occupied and entertained throughout Spring Break. Although your playlist was as long as Ezra’s, it still showcases your unique personality and music tastes. Your mention about the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston has definitely piqued my interest and I would absolutely pay a visit there the next time I travel to Houston.

  6. Zach,

    I think your tweets were hilarious. I was able to tell which one were yours from the content. Your Spotify playlist was extremely diverse and I appreciate that you put so much work into it.


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